𝟬𝟬𝟮. pity party.

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chapter two, pity party

chapter two, pity party

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TODAY WAS LEE SUHO'S BIRTHDAY. Thanks to jetlag, Moonyoung had woken up at 4 am for no apparent reason suddenly realizing it was Suho's birthday. She took her bike and bought him some breakfast. She only did this because she took pity on Suho's dad, well at least that was the excuse she used. She used to have her handprint on his door, apparently, he never got rid of it. She left it on the counter for him to eat later.

When Suho awoke he found the fresh smell of waffles and coffee. He thought that this was his dad's work. He rolled his eyes and threw the food into the fridge as he made his way to the comic store ── hoping to see both Ju-bal and Moonyoung.

Both coincidentally were also at the comic store. The two sat and chatted about random things when Jubal sat up. "I'm going to get a book, you want any of them?" Ju-bal asked

 "Yes!" Moonyoung cheered as she went to the shelves with her.

"Can you get them? I'm really uncoordinated and I might fall," Ju-bal said as Moonyoung nodded and got on the stool when Suho entered his eyes widening at the sight of both of the girls. 

"We meet again," he stated as Ju-bal has some sort of instinct to flee when she accidentally knocked the stool causing Moonyoung to fall off.

Thank god for Suho as he caught her. The two stared into each other's eyes for a moment when Mr Prince entered the store totally making it more awkward. "Do you guys have a hobby of falling on me?!" Suho asked

"Not my fault you asshole," Moonyoung remarked as she went to read the book she grabbed it and started reading. 

Just as she began to flip through the pages in her comic, she heard "You are so clumsy," she looked up to see Suho lecturing Ju-Bal

"I got surprised me by acting as you knew me," the girl explained

"My acting is not good enough to keep pretending not to know you," Suho replied harshly

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊 ── 𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒚. ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now