𝟬𝟭𝟱. unconventional family.

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— ❝ ( chapter fifteen, unconventional family. ) ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗

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"MOM, THE ONE BESIDE YOU," Jukyung uttered, "Is that Lee Suho?" she asked as her mother chuckled quite scarily

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"MOM, THE ONE BESIDE YOU," Jukyung uttered, "Is that Lee Suho?" she asked as her mother chuckled quite scarily. "Goodness, of course, it is," her mother answered, "Why? Did you think he was a statue?" she asked. "Darn it!" Jukyung cursed as she rushed upstairs leaving Moonyoung alone with the family. "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself," Moonyoung muttered as Jukyung's mother made her way to the girl.

"Hubby, Juyoung, this is Jang Moonyoung. The daughter of Jang Woojin," Jukyung's mother introduced as Moonyoung bowed politely. "I brought everyone some gifts," Moonyoung stated happily as she handed everyone their bags.

"Omo! You didn't have to~" Jukyung's mother laughed as they quickly opened their gifts. "Thank you, Moonyoungie," Mr Lim beamed as he marveled at the tie. "Omo, how gorgeous!" Mrs Hong cooed as she stared at the gift.

"Noona~ Thank you~" Juyoung cutely said as he went over to give Moonyoung a friendly hug. "Aish this brat," Moonyoung muttered jokingly. She and Suho then went to sit on the couch as Mr Lim and Juyoung scanned Suho, who sat there stiffly.

"So Suho, are you and my Jukyung friends or something more?" Mr Lim said finally addressing the elephant in the room. "We're not that close!" Jukyung butted in as she placed the vegetables on the desk.

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