𝟬𝟮𝟭. elevator disaster

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— ❝ ( chapter twenty-one, elevator disaster. ) ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗

 ) ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗

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JANG MOONYOUNG WAS ON HER WAY TO EXTRA-CLASSES when she bumped into Lim Jukyung -- her best friend and not her favorite person right now

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JANG MOONYOUNG WAS ON HER WAY TO EXTRA-CLASSES when she bumped into Lim Jukyung -- her best friend and not her favorite person right now. "Cute clip," she complimented, "Thanks Moonyoung," Jukyung beamed as the two girls linked arms and made their way to the study centre. When they entered, they saw Suho get up and leave. Jukyung turned to Moonyoung with hopeful eyes. Moonyoung ignored the ache in her heart, "Go," she smiled pushing Jukyung away before going to class.

She sat near the back, on her phone when Soojin and Suho entered. With a raised eyebrow she looked around for Jukyung. Suho had obviously been doing the same when he looked over to Moonyoung who shrugged.

Then Jukyung came in, Suho pointed to the seat next to him but instead, she pointed to Moonyoung and sat by her. "What's wrong?" Moonyoung asked, "No nothing," Jukyung smiled. During class, they reviewed the SAT's and other things.

Right when the class was over, Moonyoung dragged Jukyung out of class. "I know you're sad," Moonyoung stated as Jukyung hung her head low, "So I'll walk you home and leave you alone," Moonyoung added as Jukyung nodded solemnly.

The two walked in silence as Moonyoung occasionally saving Jukyung from being murdered by a car. When they arrived, Jukyung seemed to be still upset as she entered the home Moonyoung waved to Jukyung before walking home herself.

She walked around for a few hours, blasting Seyeon's music before going home. Just as she was about to go inside, her phone rang. Lee Suho. She picked up, "What?" she asked "Meet me at Prince Comics," Suho said, she rolled her eyes and grabbed the keys to her motorbike, and sped to Prince Comics where she met up with Suho. She simply couldn't say no to him.

"The department store," he said quickly, "Yah! Am I your taxi?" she asked before rolling her eyes and driving. When they arrived, she noticed how Suho scanned the entire mall. "What are we even doing here?" she asked as he explained everything.

"So, you're telling me that Lim Jukyung is here in the department store with Han Seojun, and because of your insatiable jealousy you decided it was a good idea to go and find her?" Moonyoung asked recalling every detail he had told her and including her own bits and bobs.

Suho ignored her. She knew that meant yes, so Suho and She looked around the entire department store looking for anyone whose name was Han Seojun and Lim Jukyung.

When they got to an elevator, she got a glimpse of Seojun and Jukyung. And so did Suho because he held the elevator, forcing it to open its doors again. "What are you doing here?" Jukyung asked, shocked "Let's go," he said coldly, grabbing her arm dragging her out of the elevator before Seojun grabbed her other arm.

"Why are you getting off when it's not even the first floor?" he asked as he and Suho glared at each other. "Hey, guys?" Moonyoung asked as the doors started to close again with Jukyung in the middle.

"Come on let's go," Suho said again pulling her towards him as Seojun pulled her back towards him. "You're being a nuisance right now," Seojun remarked as the doors started to close for good and Seojun dragged Jukyung in, With Suho following behind who also grabbed Moonyoung.

"Ya! Why did you drag me into this?" she asked as the two boys kept glaring at each other while each holding Jukyung's arm. Suddenly the elevator started to break down, "What just happened?" Jukyung asked worriedly.

'Guys, I think the elevator stopped," she said worriedly, the boys glanced around before glaring at each other again. The red words showed on the small screen in the corner "Under inspection,"

A while had passed and the two boys still holding onto Jukyung's arm. Moonyoung had fallen asleep in the corner. The two boys kept fighting when Jukyung finally snapped. "Let go!" she yelled, removing their grips of her. "Why? Are you sick?" Suho asked

"Are you scared? I'm sure they'll let us out soon," Seojun assured, "I can't hold it in, I have to go to the toilet!" she cried as she crossed her legs, praying she wouldn't pee herself. "Why did you have to buy me a large iced coffee? And you! You were messing with the elevator and trapped us!" she yelled

Seojun tried yelling to get them out of there when Suho grabbed his coffee cup and gave it to Jukyung, "Are you crazy?" she shrieked as Moonyoung finally awoke. "Omo, what happened?" she asked looking at the others.

Finally, people came and opened the door. Jukyung breathed a breath of relief and jumped out of the elevator and running to the bathroom, leaving a stunned Seojun and Suho and a smirking Moonyoung.

When Moonyoung was running out of the mall, she realized it was snowing. She looked in front of her and saw Ryu Hyunjin standing with Jukyung over an umbrella with Seojun and Suho on both sides, glaring with jealousy.

The next day, she was at Hyunjin's match. She looked around to find Jukyung when she got a text -- sorry, I couldn't make it today. it was Jukyung, she shrugged and watched the game. When he won with a perfect strike she stood up and jumped up and down. When she finally looked across from her, she saw it.

Han Seojun and Lee Suho hugging each other. -- at one point Suho even lifted Seojun into the air.

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