𝟬𝟰𝟱. back to korea.

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— ❝ ( chapter forty-five, back to korea ) ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗

— ❝ ( chapter forty-five, back to korea ) ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗

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TIME HAD PASSED SO QUICKLY,  it was now nearly the end of her school days

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TIME HAD PASSED SO QUICKLY, it was now nearly the end of her school days. she had already received all of the results of her college applications. She had decided to go to Harvard, and she was convinced she had gotten in because of good-old nepotism as her father and grandfather were both alumni and because her father was the chairman of one of the biggest international corporates.

She and Yun Youngjae sat across from one another, drowning another drink. It had been exactly one year since she had spent Christmas with Youngjae's family. The same cold air had returned. A lot had happened in one year. She and Youngjae had become best friends, they were thick as thieves, attached by the hip. "Hey, I have something to ask you," Moonyoung said, slurring her words a bit.

"What?" Youngjae asked, his tone annoyed

Moonyoung rolled her eyes but then grinned, "Come to Korea with me," she said, "You've never been. And I did ask your parents and they said they'd love it if I could take you,"

Youngjae grinned and drowned his drink, "You asked my parents without asking me first?"

"I knew you would agree anyways, so why bother asking you first? Plus, I'm asking you right now. Do you want me to kidnap you and drag you to Korea?"

Youngjae laughed, "You might've done that ── You're impulsive,"

Moonyoung rolled her eyes, "So, are you coming or not?" she asked, "Suho's also going back, so it'll be a nice trip for the three of us,"

She missed the sudden change in Youngjae's aura and the slight frown on his face. "Why don't you two just go?" Youngjae asked, "I hate flights and I'll have a bad case of jetlag,"

Moonyoung scowled, "You're being unreasonable ── I get that you hate flights, but jetlag is such a bad excuse. Everyone knows that Korea's nightlife is the best. Plus, I'll introduce you to my friends and I'll treat you to the best food," Moonyoung promised as Youngjae stayed silent and debated his chances.

"Fine, but if I have to see Lee Suho's face every minute I'm with you, I'm going to book the next flight back to America,"

Moonyoung grinned, "I knew you'd come around. I mean seriously, you can't miss out on all the Tteokbokki I'm going to feed you," but then she paused, "Why do you and Lee Suho hate each other so much?"

Youngjae looked incredulous and slammed his drink down on the table, "Because he's such a snob, he's pretentious and, he never fails to remark on how close you guys are and how long you've known each other,"

Moonyoung laughed, "That's just how it is. I thought you would've been used to it by now,"

Youngjae shrugged, "I'll never get used to that asshole,"

Moonyoung let out another laugh and the two of them clinked glasses and downed their drinks.

It had been a few days, and Youngjae and Moonyoung stood next to one another at the front of JFK airport. "C'mon, let's go," Moonyoung said excitedly, rushing into the airport.

"Hey! Wait for me! You can't expect me to carry all of these and run!" Youngjae exclaimed, catching up to her, dragging all of her suitcases with him.

They did the usual procedure to check-in, and when they arrived at the waiting room for the first class section, Moonyoung grinned at seeing Suho. "Lee Suho!" she called as the boy looked up from his phone and smiled before beckoning her to join him ─ but he quickly sent a glare to Youngjae who gladly returned it.

"Why are you here?" Suho asked

"Moonyoung invited me," Youngjae replied, "Why? Do you have a problem with that, Mr. Pretentious Ass?"

Moonyoung sighed, "Can you both just shut up?"

The three of them sat silently, and Moonyoung's thoughts were running wild. She was so excited to be reunited with her friends, she had to bring an entire separate suitcase that was filled with gifts for them.

"I'm so excited," she murmured, smiling to herself as she pulled out her phone and began to text Soo-ah to inform her of Moonyoung's short visit.

When it was finally time to board the plane, Moonyoung was the first to rush to the gate, the two boys following behind her. When they finally boarded the plane, Moonyoung's excitement soared and as she was seated in between the boys, she found herself ignoring the tension between them and instead thinking about all the things she would do once she returned.

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