𝟬𝟰𝟭. frenemies?

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— ❝ ( chapter forty-one, frenemies? ) ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗

— ❝ ( chapter forty-one, frenemies? ) ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗

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MOONYOUNG'S FIRST WEEK AT PRIVATE SCHOOL WAS, EVENTFUL, to say the least. She was taken by storm in a mountain of schoolwork. Homework? No problem! Moonyoung has never had a problem in school, she has always been a gifted child. But, her biggest event was this "so-called" gossip blog/website? What in the gossip girl was that?

Why in the fuck was there a gossip website that literally blackmailed and exposed students? Thank god she had not been one of the victims of that stupid gossip website. Even if she was, she would've had her Appa find out who had been running that website and sue the fuck out of whoever it was.

Moonyoung ate the fancy pesto pasta they were serving in the dining hall, sitting next to Youngjae who was also enjoying the pasta very much. They sat in awkward silence, Daphne and Diego were off somewhere making out, or fucking. Either way, Moonyoung didn't want to know.

She had Youngjae Yun had perhaps, the weirdest relationship dynamic ever. In class, they were fierce competitors, seeing who would get the higher score on a project or test. Outside of class, they were... friends. They would talk to each other in Korean, Youngjae would update her on all the latest gossip lingering around school, and they would talk shit about their common enemies in Korean.

Moonyoung's verdict of this annoying, handsome, tall, smug, asshole; he's fine if he keeps his mouth shut.

Youngjae's verdict of this 5 feet ( with an extra inch of sass ) firecracker was; she's nice. just don't fuck with her.

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