𝟬𝟯𝟯. betrayal and bullies.

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— ❝ ( chapter thirty-three, betrayal and bullies. ) ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗

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"I THINK I'VE LOST MY NECKLACE!" Jukyung told Moonyoung and Soo-ah, "The one you wear every day?" Soo-ah asked, "When did you last see it?" Moonyoung continued, "I definitely wore it this morning," Jukyung said, "Maybe it came loose during PE," Mo...

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"I THINK I'VE LOST MY NECKLACE!" Jukyung told Moonyoung and Soo-ah, "The one you wear every day?" Soo-ah asked, "When did you last see it?" Moonyoung continued, "I definitely wore it this morning," Jukyung said, "Maybe it came loose during PE," Moonyoung suggested, "Come, me and Soo will help you find it," she told Jukyung as the three girls left the classroom to go and find it.

All-day, Moonyoung and been keeping an eye out for the necklace but nothing seem to come to the surface. She searched everywhere but never saw it. It was until after school she had been searching near the back for some reason and she could hear Kang Soojin's faint voice.

"Are you looking for this?" Soojin asked, curious, she went over to the root of the sound to see Suho and Soojin standing by each other. Soojin was holding the pink swan necklace Moonyoung had spent hell looking for. "Kang Soojin," Suho said as Soojin threw the pink swan necklace Suho had given to Jukyung.

Suho quickly went over to the fire but did not do anything --- that would've been stupid. He turned to Soojin, "What did you just do?" he asked, his voice sounding hurt and betrayed. "You know who's this is," Suho said trying to stay calm. "Yes, I do," Soojin replied, "So what's the meaning of this?" Suho asked

"It's because I like you," Soojin admitted as Moonyoung stiffened and tried to stay as quiet as possible. "I see you're not surprised. Were you aware of it?" Soojin asked, "Are you kidding me right now?" Suho asked, "Aren't you and Jukyung friends?"

"We will be if you don't like her," Soojin said as Moonyoung quietly scoffed, "What?" Suho asked incredulously, "She's sweet and warm-hearted, it's why I like her too," Soojin said truthfully, "But, not as much as I like you though. If I can't have you, then I'll toss her to the side. So break up with her if you don't want to see her lose a friend and get hurt," Soojin threatened.

"You aren't the Kang Soojin I know," Suho said nonchalantly, "Why her of all people?" Soojin asked as Suho tried to leave but Soojin held him back, "You only just met her, so is it her when I've been by your side for 10 years? Can't you just break up with her and like me instead? You can do that! If I had confessed to you first you would've chosen me anyway!" Soojin said angrily. "No, I wouldn't have," Suho said coldly before leaving. Soojin held him back and tried to kiss him but he just pushed her away and walked away.

It was now late and as she was leaving, she ran into Seojun. "Oh! Jun!" she greeted as he seemed to be in a gloomy mood. "Do you wanna hang out?" she asked as Seojun thought about it before finally agreeing.

Moonyoung was going to drag him to Prince Comics but before they could enter, they caught sight of Park Semi and her minions going to the direction of Jukyung's house. The two of them glanced at each other before silently agreeing to follow her.

"Park Semi," Seojun called as the three turned around and their faces visibly fell. "Han Seojun? Jang Moonyoung?" Semi asked, "What are you doing here?" Seojun asked as Seojun grabbed Semi by the arm while Moonyoung grabbed her two minions by the hair.

Seojun slammed Semi into a wall as Moonyoung followed, slamming the other two next to her. "Aish! Yah! Han Seojun!" Semi yelled, "Why do you want to meet Jukyung?" Seojun asked, "Are you a stalker?" Moonyoung added.

"I haven't seen her in a while, so I wanted to catch up," Semi said, "You wanted to catch up with her?" Seojun and Moonyoung asked, "It turns out I know her," Semi said reaching into her pocket and grabbing her phone out and showing them a picture of Jukyung without makeup.

"What about it?" Seojun asked, "Can't you tell? She's Lim Jukyung," Semi said as Seojun observed her for a while before the girls started giggling, "I guess he didn't recognize her," one of them whispered.

"What's wrong? Are you shocked?" Semi asked, "She totally fooled me too!" Semi said, trying to act cute as Moonyoung wanted to throw up. "Why are you showing us this?" Seojun asked, "Because i was worried about you. If you knew about her past, you would've never dated her. She used to buy dumplings for me back at our school. She was a total loser, she doesn't deserve to date a guy like you," Semi said

"I personally think she's prettier than you," Seojun said, "Of course, look at her face! Ooh! Disgusting! Look at those attention-seeking eyes and that ugly duck mouth!" Moonyoung added, laughing cynically. "What? Are you defending her because she's your girlfriend and friend?" Semi asked, "Are you blind?" "She's pretty thanks to her makeup!" "Are you okay?" they asked

"Come on, she looks so ugly with no makeup on. What is wrong--" Semi was cut off when Seojun grabbed her phone and slammed it onto the floor and then Moonyoung used her heeled boots to stomp on them, making sure it was now totally useless and then kicking it to the side.

"Yah, Han Seojun! Jang Moonyoung!" Semi yelled as both of them got closer to her. "We can't control our anger whenever we see petty bullies because it reminds us of our friend," Seojun warned, "You made her buy you dumplings?" Seojun asked agnrilly, "Look, if your upset about the girl you used to bully beating you than go and cry about it," Moonyoung added

"Plus, Jukyung can use makeup to cover her face, you can't even cover that ugly personality of yours," She laughed coldly. "If we ever see you bullying other students, I swear things won't be pretty --- maybe you should prepare to sign up for nose surgery," she said before walking away, linking arms with Seojun.

In one day, she had just witnessed a betrayle and bullies.

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