𝟬𝟮𝟯. liar liar, pants on fire!

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— ❝ ( chapter twenty-three, liar liar, pants on fire. ) ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗

 ) ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗

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EVERYONE HAPPILY ATE SOME BBQ. After the game, everyone was famished. So rightfully, Mr Han and the campsite manager set a bbq for them. Moonyoung sat next to Soojin and Jukyung watching everyone eat happily. "Yah Kim Sihyun!" Hyun Gyu called as he brought her some pork belly placing it all on her plate. "It smelled pretty bad earlier right? I just washed my hair," he stated as he went back to his table, "At least he has a conscience," Moonyoung remarked,

"Yah, Ahn Hyun Gyu! It wasn't that terrible," Sihyun stated shyly, as her table started to laugh as they hit her and joked "Don't lie! It was gross," a girl sitting with them said as Mr Han came and pinched his nose. "What is that smell?" he asked as the girls laughed and he gave them some mushrooms, "If you need anything, tell me," Mr Han added as the girls continued to happily eat.

The next day, everyone was playing the lie detector game. "Ahn Hyun Gyu, have you pooped your pants before?" Taehoon asked, "Are you kidding me? Of course not!" he answered as the machine shocked him. "Get him!" They yelled as they started hitting them in the head with the toy hammers.

"Kim Sihyun, do you think of yourself as a princess?" Hyun Gyu asked, "No way!" she exclaimed before the machine also shocked her and everyone started hitting her. "Lee Suho, have you kissed before?" she asked after they finished hitting her.

No reply, "3... 2... 1!" they counted before also hitting him with the sqeaky hammers.After they finished hitting he slid the machine over to Han Seojun. "Love or Friendship?" he asked, "Love," Seojun replied, this time the machine didn't shock him.

"Must he be that cheesy? Get him!" Soo-ah said as everyone hit him. hard. He slid the machine over to Moonyoung, "Do you like someone?" he asked, "No!" she replied as the machine shocked her. "What?" she asked quietly as everyone started hitting her with the hammer.

She slid it over to Soojin, "Is Seojun handsome?" Moonyoung asked, "Yes," Soojin replied before also getting shocked as everyone hit her. Soojin then slid the machine to Soo-ah, "Yoo Taehoon or Eighteen?" She asked, "Of course, it's my darling!" Soo-ah beamed as the machine also didn't shock her, but it was too cheesy so everyone hit her and Taehoon.

"Do you like someone?" Soo-ah asked as Jukyung put her hand on the machine, "Yes!" she said confidently before the machine shocked her and everyone started hitting her as well. "Taehoon, have you ever wanted to break up with Soo-ah?" Jukyung asked as Taehoon threw his hammer behind him.

"No," he said simply, the machine shocked him. Soo-ah's face fell, "Again," she said coldly placing his hand back onto the machine, "Have you ever wanted to break up with me?" she asked incredulously, "No! Never," Taehoon said as the machine shocked him again.

She had continued asking him the same question and every time the machine shocked hit. At that point, smoke started to come out of the machine. "I see, so you wanted to break up with me?" she asked standing up stomping on his hand. "It's over!" she cried running off as the girls chased after her.

The next morning, they were doing a treasure hunt. Moonyoung couldn't care less. She had sat on the bus, scrolling on her phone. When she saw Jukyung going onto the bus and soon falling asleep.

Not long later, Seojun also came onto the bus to see Jukyung sleeping. "How did you catch a cold?" he muttered touching Jukyung's forehead. He quickly got off and returned with medicine.

Jukyung quickly drank the medicine and went back to sleep as Seojun tenderly put her head on his shoulder. Suddenly the door opened again and Suho entered again. Moonyoung's heart skipped a beat. -- she merely ignored this.

Suho had gone to touch Jukyung but was held back by Seojun. "Don't wake her," he said simply, "Let go," Suho said, copying Seojun's tone. The two glared at each other before Suho said "Come out,"

Moonyoung's gut told her to follow the boys. She rolled her eyes and hopped off the bus, following the boys to see them having a full-blown fight. She quickly ran into the fire to hopefully put it out only to be kicked to the side.

She knew whoever kicked her didn't mean to. They were too busy fighting anyways. Serves her right for being a nosy bitch. She tried standing up but felt drowsy and dizzy as the darkness consumed her.

She woke up later to see Seojun, Suho, Soojin, Soo-ah, Jukyung, Taehoon, Hyun Gyu and Sihyun crowding around her. "What happened?" she asked quietly, "Suho knocked you out," Seojun said quickly sitting next to her.

"Why did you have to jump in?" He asked scanning her face, cupping her cheeks. "I'm fine!" she exclaimed, trying to wiggle out of his grasp. He held her firmly checking every corner in her face. "I'm fine!" she yelled again breaking free from his grip.

"Why did you two have to fight like children?" she asked angrily as the two boys glanced at each other. "I get that you hate each other but violence is never the answer!" she lectured as they hung their heads low. "Moonyoung is so scary," Taehoon whispered as Soo-ah nodded in agreement.

"How annoying,"

quick note! sorry for not updating, I'm honestly losing motivation for this story but I love Moonyoung and so i will try my best to update more! Also, "brutal, han seojun" is out!1!1!1 pls go check it out and show it some love && in honour of pride month --- "fairytales, ko munyeong" is out!!!



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