𝟬𝟯𝟵. fancy institue

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— ❝ ( chapter thirty-nine, fancy institute. ) ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗

lee dohyun as yun youngjae.

introducing, lee dohyun as yun youngjae

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emily alyn lind as daphne berkshire

emily alyn lind as daphne berkshire

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and, arón piper as deigo hernández

and, arón piper as deigo hernández

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    THE ROYALE INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION, the most prestigious boarding school in the united states, an Italianate-styled campus is hidden away deep in the middle of nowhere

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    THE ROYALE INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION, the most prestigious boarding school in the united states, an Italianate-styled campus is hidden away deep in the middle of nowhere. Jang Moonyoung fiddled with the hem of her white set as her suitcases were stood next to her. As she entered, she was greeted by two tall and sturdy men and a boy. The two men bowed to her before taking her bags and bringing them away. The boy was handsome, he seemed Korean, and he was alot taller than her. "Hi," he greeted her, in perfect English, "I'm Yun Youngjae, and I was assigned to show you around the Royale institute, your Jang Woojin's kid right? Jang Moonyoung?" Moonyoung nodded slowly as Youngjae flashed her a grin.

"I'm the heir to my family -- most of the students here are heirs, and heiresses of big name businesses," Yun Youngjae replied, "And who is your family..?" Moonyoung asked, "Oh, I'm a part of the Yun Clan," Youngjae replied nonchalantly as Moonyoung went silent. Her family was maybe three generations of money, but the Yun Clan had money since the end of the 19th Century. They had money during the world wars, distributing it around the world. The Yun Clan was super old-money rich.

"Your family is blood-wrenching rich," Moonyoung mumbled, "Please, your father is worth billions," Youngjae scoffed, "And you're talking like your family isn't worth hundreds of millions?!" Moonyoung asked. Suddenly another voice interrupted them. A masculine voice.

"Oh Youngjae!" the two of them whirled around to see a tan handsome boy striding towards them. "That's Deigo Hernández, his family owns most of the land in Mexico, his father is like the John Malone of Mexico," Youngjae said quickly, "Deigo! Come meet Jang Moonyoung," Deigo went over and shook Moonyoung's hand.

"You're the heiress of the JANG Organization, right?" Moonyoung nodded as Deigo grinned, "Don't we have enough heirs and heiresses?" another voice chimed, this voice was feminine and very posh. "I'm Daphne, Daphne Berkshire," the girl introduced as Moonyoung also shook hands with her.

"Jang Moonyoung, right? I've heard about your father's cooperation," Daphne continued, "My family owns that hotel chain--" she was cut off, "Yeah, the biggest hotel chain in the whole damn world," Deigo remarked, "She's the heiress to the Berkshire Hotels,"

"Oh! I love those hotels!" Moonyoung gushed, "Especially those steamed towels you have," Daphne seemed very pleased, "It's the secret to our success, of course, anyone could just steam some towels, but our infusion formula is carefully curated by only the best. If I ever told you, I'd have to kill you," Daphne joked sarcastically as the group let out a string of chuckles.

"Right, you can have Moonyoung later, but right now, she's all mine," Youngjae interjected, "I have to show her around campus," Daphne started to protest but Youngjae had sent her a sharp look and she shut up. "Come on, now, I'll show you around our campus," Youngjae continued, as he strode away with Moonyoung following behind.

"This, is the main hall," he said, showing her the marble floors and white walls with grey lockers lined up neatly along with one another. "You have to go to the office to get one, but most of us don't use them. Only the day students use them," Youngjae said, "We have enough time and space to just use our dorms to store our things," Youngjae continued before pointing to the west wing.

"That wing is the English department. All of our literature lessons are in that side," he turned to the east wing, "Those are the mathematic and science departments," he then showed her up the stairs. he turned to the east wing again. "That's where the extracurriculars are --- and down the hall is the biggest library you'll ever see in a school," he then turned to the west wing, "And that is the social and ethnic departments are,"

He then showed her the back of the school. "We have a whole other campus for the arts, performing, visual, right over there," he pointed to the Neo-Baroque style house tucked away near the river. "We also have a gymnasium, a normal gym, dance classes, tennis courts, golf courses -- you know, the typical snobby rich kid sports, we have it all -- right over there," he pointed to the maze-like area full of tennis courts and huge stream-line modern buildings. 

"And the best part, the dorms," Youngjae added clapping his hands together, "We get assigned new roommates every year, of course, you can always request for a specific person, but the Institute tries to get us to mingle with everyone -- create business alliances. You know, the boring stuff,"

He waved his hand and a golf cart with another sturdy man came. "We have golf carts as our main transportation, of course, you can always walk, but with a 600 acre campus is less than ideal," Moonyoung snorted, this Youngjae kid was growing on her quickly.

They arrived at the four Italianate-styled houses and they both hopped off. "there are four dorms, they're separated by grade. You'll obviously be residing with us Seniors," he showed her into the house, greeting everyone. "We're mostly in the two-people dorms, and it is cross-gender, there are a few single dorms. But unless you're super lucky, you'll be stuck with someone totally random,"

Moonyoung nodded, and by the end of the tour, Youngjae and she returned to the office. "You'll go in and you just have to say your name, and they'll take a picture of you for your id picture and then you'll get a paper showing you your classes, living arrangements, and all that jazz," she bid Youngjae goodbye and he left her there.

After maybe an hour at the office, she was officially a student at the fancy institute, full of trust fund babies.

I AM SO SORRY FOR BEING LATE 😫😫😫 PLS FORGIVE ME! to make it up to u i'm giving y'all a new boy to simp over😍😍😘

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