𝟬𝟭𝟴. right to a pulp

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— ❝ ( chapter eighteen, right to a pulp. ) ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗

 ) ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗

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"I STARTED THE FIGHT," Jang Moonyoung admitted as Suho and Soojin stood next to her

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"I STARTED THE FIGHT," Jang Moonyoung admitted as Suho and Soojin stood next to her. "Good going," the dean remarked before the vice principal came into the teacher's office. "My goodness!" he yelled heartily. "You punks!" he yelled as Chorong and the others moved away, bumping into Jukyung, Soo-ah, Seojun and Taehoon.

"My goodness gracious!" he said moving over to Moonyoung and Suho. "Did our top students get hurt by any chance?" he fussed checking them.

"What in the world did you fools do to make our Suho and Moonyoung involved in a fight?" he asked worriedly "Mr Han Junwoo? Mr Han Junwoo?" Someone randomly called "Yes? that's me," Mr Han answered.

"These flowers are for you," the guy stated leaving a bouquet on his desk. Everyone started 'oohing' "Who sent these?" Mr Han asked "Oh it was sent by Lim Hee-" the delivery guy was about to say before Mr Han cut him off. "WHAT?" he yelled loudly, cutting the delivery guy off and shocking the room.

"I'm sorry," he apologized quickly "I know who it is," he explained quietly before turning to the group of students. "Go to the counselling office," he ordered as the group quietly went to the counselling office.

Han Seojun quickly scribbled "I'm sorry," before resting his head on his arm to sleep. Suho and Soojin on the other hand were neatly writing. "Are you guys Han Seok Bong or something?" Taehoon asked "You write like calligraphers. Why don't you just grind ink!" he added.

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