𝟬𝟬𝟯. the big three of saebom high.

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chapter three, the big three of saebom.

chapter three, the big three of saebom

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LIM JUGYEONG, KANG SOOJIN AND CHOI SOO-AH were walking into school when Lee Suho rudely pushed past them ── suddenly people screamed motorbikes! Soo-ah quickly pulled Jugyeong away as two motorbikes zoomed past them

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LIM JUGYEONG, KANG SOOJIN AND CHOI SOO-AH were walking into school when Lee Suho rudely pushed past them ── suddenly people screamed motorbikes! Soo-ah quickly pulled Jugyeong away as two motorbikes zoomed past them. They zoomed past Lee Suho on each side, narrowly missing him. Whispers starting rising

"They're back?"

"The big three is back,"

"our holy trinity returns,"

Jang Moonyoung removed her helmet, her hair falling down her back effortlessly as she shook her head to make sure her hair looked fine. Her face turned over to see Lee Suho coming her way. Jugyeong froze. "No way..." she muttered "They're students here?!" she exclaimed

"Han Seojun and Jang Moonyoung are back," Soo-ah sighed

"Why are they here?" Soojin and Taehoon muttered.

"Han Seojun? Jang Moonyoung?" Jugyeong asked as Soo-ah sighed.

"The earth has the Bermuda triangle, space has the black hole and saebom? We have them, the big three ── the holy trinty of saebom high, once you enter ── you can never leave." Soo-ah warned, "The Cold and Aloof Suho versus the Rough and Wild Seojun,"

"What about Jang Moonyoung?" Jukyung asked

"She is the hybrid of them ── cold, aloof, rough and wild mixed into one," Soo-ah said "It's harder to choose pork belly? jjamppong? or jjangmyeon? The three hotties of the school. The Three studs."

"My time and space just got narrower," Jugyeong muttered

"Jagi what about me!?" Taehoon asked

"My Hoonie is the prince of my heart! Who cares if they're the three studs? I don't like them either── well Moonyoung is nice," Soo-ah said proudly

"I feel like puking," Soojin scoffed

The three studs had a staredown with little Moonyoung in the middle, more uncomfortable than angry.

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