𝟬𝟮𝟳. the road to success

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— ❝ ( twenty-seven, the road to success. ) ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗

 ) ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗

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THE THREE SAT ON THE BENCH IN SILENCE. "how could they scam the victims of a con artist?" Mr Lim said miserably, "They said let's go together to catch that jerk, then they took off with the money for our flights and hotels. They're intelligent and meticulous," Mr Lim sighed, "Sounds like you fell for a very amateur scheme," Suho deadpanned, "It was not," Mr Lim argued, "Anyway, I promised to not go home until I catch that jerk, so don't tell Jukyung" Mr Lim explained

"She'll worry, let me call her now," Moonyoung said, "You can't! If you tell her now, I'll run away and never come back!" Mr Lim threatened, 'What do you plan to now? You said you were out of money," Moonyoung deadpanned, frowning a bit

"I'll sleep on this freezing cold floor and freeze to death before I go home. Not to my home at least," He said with pleading eyes hoping Suho would take him in. "Okay sir," Suho nodded, "What?" Mr Lim asked.

"Goodnight then," Suho said simply bowing as he and Moonyoung were about to leave. "Hey Suho, wait. Your name is Suho right?" he asked as Suho nodded, 'Hey Suho! Your name means guardian, you should protect me!" Mr Lim called as Suho and Moonyoung were leaving.

When they got back --- with Mr Lim following them, "My, My, You live here all by yourself?" Mr Lim asked, "Sometimes Moonyoung comes over for a sleepover," Suho explained. "Lee Jooheon must be a busy man," Mr Lim sighed.

"You can wash up in there," Suho stated as Mr Lim went in for a shower -- his dreaded singing lingering around the apartment when suddenly there was a loud thud. "Suho!" he called as Moonyoung smirked as the boy frantically went in to help the middle-aged man.

Suho helped him apply a bandaid. "You can sleep here sir," Suho stated, "No, I couldn't do that, I'll sleep outside," Mr Lim said before Suho ignored him and grabbed a pillow for him and Moonyoung and left the room.

Moonyoung was fast asleep when she heard some noises coming from the TV and Suho and Mr Lim. "What are you doing in the middle of the night?" Moonyoung groaned. "Yah Jang Moonyoung, Son Heung Min is playing!" Suho exclaimed as Moonyoung jolted awake

"I set my alarm for that time!" she winced, "Want to watch the second half with us?" Mr Lim asked, "Sir! After I watch the highlights," Moonyoung stated turning the TV back on and watching the highlights, the three of them huddled together.

Mr Lim made them both some ramyeon. "We don't eat at this hour," Moonyoung explained. "But eating ramyeon while watching soccer hits different! Try some! You'll regret it!" He warned. "He's just like Lim Jukyung," Suho muttered. The three of them closely watched the games and when Son Heung Min finally scored they broke out into a happy dance.

The next morning Moonyoung found herself on one side of Mr Lim's lap and Suho's house a dump. She also noticed Suho was awake and the two looked at Mr Lim before covering him with blankets.

As they were leaving, Mr Lim had caught up with them. "Have these on the way, you two barely had breakfast," Mr Lim smiled. "Study hard, Have fun and see you later," Mr Lim added. "Correction, I'll be gone," Mr Lim mused.

"You'll be going home right?" Moonyoung asked, "We'll only keep your secret until today," Suho added. "Of course, I leave after doing the dishes," Mr Lim smiled, "I need to prepare myself to get beaten up by my wife," Mr Lim joked as Moonyoung and Suho bowed and left.

"Aigoo, Those kids are all grown up like adults. Is it because they live alone without a mom?" Mr Lim sighed, "Watch out for cars!" Mr Lim warned waving to them as Suho turned to wave back but had a sudden wave of deja vu.

Back when he was younger, he had always seen the same family. A mother waving off her child and husband as they went off to school. He had stayed still for a few seconds until a loud call had snapped him from his trance.

"Lee Suho!" he turned around to see Jang Moonyoung and her father Mr Jang standing there, behind them was their very nice car. "Let's go to school!" Moonyoung cheered running towards him and grabbing his hand before dragging him off to school.

He sniggered to himself, "Have you lost it? Why are you laughing to yourself?" Moonyoung asked as he instantly stopped, turning to leave with Moonyoung.

When they arrived at school, they had seen Lim Jukyung patting Han Seojun on the back while beaming. Suho had quickly made his way over --- his face fuming as Moonyoung quickly following behind.

"Lim Jukyung," was all he said before dragging her away. Moonyoung shrugged and sat next to Han Seojun. "What's up? I heard Jukyung replaced that brat who didn't show up," Moonyoung mused as Seojun nodded.

Later that evening, she had taken another look at the desired job paper she had to fill out. She had wandered and wandered again until her thoughts went back to a specific dinner with her dad.

"Appa, is life hard?" she asked, 'Of course, It's tiring like a chore," he smiled as she pouted defeatedly, "Everyone knows the road to success. They have to study for 20 years of their life and find a job and become successful," Mr Jang explained, "But success is actually happiness," he explained.

"Life is hard when you think it is, If you think life is fun, life will be fun. But only you have the power to make your life fun. You should do what you want to do and what you enjoy," Mr Jang advised as Moonyoung rolled her eyes. "Ahh, you just made me lose my appetite," she sighed.

"Right, I should do what makes me happy," Moonyoung nodded as she thought of the things that made her happy. Money, her dad, fashion... "That's it!" she cheered as she quickly scribbled on the paper.

"I want to inherit both my eomma's and appa's businesses and become very rich,"

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊 ── 𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒚. ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now