chapter fourteen: alpha

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Levi dragged his feet in the sand as 
M/n and himself continued on their walk. They were somewhere on a desert like plain. (Just go with it ok)

   "How far out is this wolf?" Levi asked.

    M/n shrugged his shoulders and continued to walk at the same pace he'd been walking for almost ten hours, without stopping.

    Werewolves had much more stamina than regular humans. Even Levi, who was extremely strong and diligent for a human, couldn't keep up with his werewolf boyfriend.

   "M/n how are you still walking like that?" Levi asked, sweat dropping.

    "I think werewolves can go for a lot longer than humans can." M/n said, now noticing how tired out his boyfriend was. He immediately came up to Levi and lifted him onto his back.

    "Wh-what we you doing?!" Levi asked.

    "Is this not romantic enough for you? Should I have carried you bridal style instead?" M/n joked.

    "That's not what I meant! B-baka..."

    M/n giggled.

    Then it got quiet.

    "You know...I could see how tired you were, and I shouldn't have pushed you past your limits. Next time tell me sooner, I can't have you passing out on me Levi, so now you get to ride on my back the rest of the way." M/n said.

    Levi groaned playfully in annoyance.
But he smiled, tightening his arms around the h/c haired male, and letting his head rest on M/n's shoulder.

    "Comfortable?" M/n asked, feeling Levi cuddling him.

    "Mhm..." Came a tired voice from right under his ear. Soon enough, levi fell asleep. Or so M/n thought.

    After a while of walking, M/n with Levi on his back reached an abandoned building. M/n began talking to himself thinking Levi was asleep.

    "Huh...this place reminds me of when I was me the fuckin creeps." He said uncomfortably.

    He began walking towards it as he followed the scent of the urine...he smelled.

    He went in through the door.

   "Maybe I shouldn't have brought Levi...he could get hurt...but he's also it's less likely...but still...I should be doing this by myself..." M/n ranted to himself, while walking on the creaky flooring.

    "Is anyone here?" He called out.

     "Mr. Werewolf's me. M/n
L/n....remember you turned me into a werewolf?" He said.

    There was only silence.

     He saw a couch in the living room. Maybe this place wasn't abandoned...just old, because he saw a cup of tea on the table.

   "Sir, I hope you don't mind if I let him sleep your home..." He said, laying Levi down on the couch. He leaned down, brushing back Levi's hair and kissing his forehead.

    "Uhm... I came to ask for your help?" M/n called out again.

   "And who are you!?" A growling came from behind him.

    M/n jumped, spinning around.

   "S-sir I didn't mean t-"

   "QUIET." The man shouted.

    M/n shut his trap.

"Did you say that you're M/n?" He asked. M/n nodded yes quickly.

"So you've finally come to terms with your inner wolf huh?" The older male asked.

"What do you mean by that?" M/n asked curiously.

"To be able to control the wolf, you have to accept it as a part of yourself." He explained.

"What's your name again sir?" M/n asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's Alpha."

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