chapter twenty three: M/n's past?

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"I'm feeling a lot better I think Levi." M/n said putting some fruit in his mouth, a bowl full of cherries, mangos, and strawberries sat in his lap.

"I'm glad. I don't think I can get over the fact that he treated you so inhumanely though." Levi said, gritting his teeth.

" do know...that's what most people think of werewolves like me, right? They think we're disgusting creatures that deserve to burn at the stake." M/n explained.

"I can't stand that." Levi said sitting on M/n's bed. M/n put an arm around Levi's waist, and rested his head on the males shoulder.

     "Baby just relax. Please?" Levi turned to him putting his arms around him.

      "Ok..." Levi said, started to relax as he fell onto his boyfriend. "I missed you when you were gone..." he said just above a whisper, as he tightened his arms around M/n.

     "I missed you too shorty..."  M/n smiled. He felt warm and nice in his lovers arms, and he'd truly missed the feeling. He arms around Levi's waist tightened.

       "Cmon, you have to go or you'll kiss your meeting with Erwin right? He wanted to meet with you today to talk about something..." M/n said.

     Levi grunted, not wanting to leave M/n. "Yeah yeah..." he said. As he pulled away from M/n, he gave him one more quick embrace, then kissed him on the cheek as he ran out the door and down the hall.

      M/n smiled slightly.

    'I love him' he thought.

  •      •      •    

      Levi closed the door to the room as Erwin sat at his desk.

     "You look distraught...what's troubling you?" Levi asked.

    "Well, see...I actually wanted to talk to you about M/n." Erwin said seriously. Levi raised an eyebrow.

    "What about him?" He asked.

   "Well, in addition to him being a werewolf, he's done other things that might get him into trouble if the law found out." Erwin said.

    "Well...what happened?" Levi asked impatiently.

   "What M/n has said about not having only partially true, he just believes that it is." Erwin said, Levi had sat down in front of him.

     "I'll start at the beginning...

      M/n's father had died when he was just a baby, so M/n lived with his mother, whom I had a friendship with, and would check on her and her son from time to time after the father's death. It seemed like M/n was growing up normally. Or so I thought.

    M/n's mother was severely damaged from both her husbands death, and from the mental illnesses she suffered from, and she took that anger out on M/n. She abused him, and attempted to kill him twice.

      For a while I didn't know M/n was being abused, until I began to see signs of abuse. M/n was littered with Cuts, bruises, and burn marks, and there was no place else he could've been getting them from except his mother.

      For a bit, I was afraid to confront M/n's mother, but I knew it was necessary to. So I decided to come to M/n's house uninvited that day. It seemed quiet when I arrived. Almost too sounds of abuse, torcher, or anything like that. It was a windy day out, so I couldn't smell blood either. To make sure everything was ok though, I still went up to the door. I had a gut feeling that something was very wrong here. I knocked on the door, but got no response. Since M/n's mother and I were friends, I knew where the key was and I felt it was necessary to go in there. I pulled the key out from it's hiding place and opened the door, and that's when I smelled it.

     It was the stench of already rotting blood. The first thing I saw was M/n's mother, laying lifeless on the ground. I looked around and noticed M/n in the corner, who looked up at me. There wasn't fear in his eyes, there wasn't anger, but there was nothing. M/n's hands were so bloody, and there was the murder weapon in his left hand. It was a small knife, that he'd used to stab her to death.

       That day, I realized that M/n was never normal. He never would be normal. But he's like a little brother to me. I had to save him. So instead of reporting a homicide, I cleaned up the mess and faked M/n's mothers death as her own suicide." Erwin told a now shocked Levi.

    'M/n was...capable of that?' He thought.

   " that why his anxiety is so bad?" Levi asked, curiously.

    "Levi...M/n has suppressed those memories so far down, that he doesn't recall any of it ever happened..." Erwin explained. "And please...don't tell him what we talked about today?"

    Levi nodded, his eyes still wide and his mouth slightly open.


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