chapter eighteen: you're not a burden

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Levi woke up, feeling the weight of his boyfriend on his chest. Small snores coming from him, and his arms still wrapped around Levi.

Levi ran his hands through his soft h/c hair, and kissed his head.

M/n groaned a little in his sleep, beginning to stir.

He opened his e/c eyes, and looked at the raven head under him.

"Good morning wolfie." He said with a smile.

"Morning shortstack." M/n smiled leaning over him and kissing him on the lips. Levi kissed back, his hands still tangled in M/n's hair.

M/n's eyes were red and puffy from falling asleep crying the night before.

"M/n your eyes..." Levi frowned. He lifted his hand to gently rub underneath M/n's eye with his finger, causing the h/c haired male's eye to close.

"It's ok Levi.." M/n weakly smiled.

Levi sighed, as M/n laid back down on him. M/n's head right next to Levi's neck.

"C'mon M/n...we gotta get moving soon." Levi said, ruffling his hair.

"I'm tired...." M/n groaned into his neck. Levi smiled.

"I know." He said sympathetically, caressing the h/c haired male's head.

"But we have to go soon ok?" He said.

M/n hummed in response.

After a while, the two of them got up and prepared to make the rest of the trip back. M/n had rolled his ankle the day before during the titan fight they had, but Levi hadn't noticed yet, because M/n had been hiding his limp.

"Ready?" Levi asked.

"Mhm." M/n said tiredly.

He'd forgotten about his ankle until he stepped on a rock, causing it to give him a sharp pain. Levi had already began walking and M/n tried to catch up. His limp was now evident.

"M/n? Why are you limping?" Levi asked seriously.

"Oh, it just hurts a little that's all." M/n said.

"Let me see." Levi said, sitting him down on a large rock.

Levi pulled his pants leg up to see his ankle red, purple and bruised. He placed his hand around the ankle gently.

"Ahh-" M/n yelped, biting his lip.

"I think it's broken." Levi said.

'great so it's more than just sprained.' M/n thought.

"Here, get on. It's the least I can do after you carried me almost all the way there." Levi said, motioning for M/n to get on his back.

"No, it's ok. I don't want to burden you. Plus I can still wal-"

"No you can't. You'll hurt yourself more, and M/n you are the furthest thing from a burden." Levi insisted.

A small smile pulled at M/n's lips. With Levi's help, he was pulled onto the shorter male's back. His arms wrapped around Levi's shoulders, and his legs around his waist. He held onto him tightly, and rested his head on the raven head's shoulder.

"Thank you...Levi." he sighed. Levi hummed in response, tightening his hold around M/n's legs to make sure he wouldn't fall.

"Levi, can I ask you something?" M/n said tiredly, his voice muffled by Levi's jacket.

"Anything." Levi replied.

"Why did you go all that way just to help me?" He inquired.

"I already told you. I'll follow you to the ends of the earth wolfie." Levi answered. M/n's face turned red.

He smiled, and kissed Levi's cheek.

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