Cat Calling

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Eddie Pov

I can't tell if Gaege realized he was teasing me or not, but f*ck, it worked. I turn on the shower and get ready to get in. My dick is rock hard from Gaege. Most of the time I'm around him, I'm already half aroused, but today with him bending down and wearing those tight tight clothes. F*ck! I get in the shower and slowly stroke my cock. I imagine Gaege on his knees with my cock all the way in his mouth. I let out a muffled moan because I know I can't be that loud. I finish in my hand and finish my shower. I get out of the shower and put my sweatpants on. I go into my room and hear Gaege snoring softly. I get into bed next to him. It feels weird to sleep next to another person again. The warmth on the other side of the bed is weird but comforting. I fall asleep to the thought of sleeping next to someone every night. 

Gaege Pov

I wake up the next morning, next to Eddie. At first I'm startled, not used to waking up next to someone, but then I realize who it is and relax a bit. I get up to see if anyone else is up. Josh sits at the kitchen table, with coffee and messed up hair. 

"Ay, did you get laid last night?" Josh asks.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" I ask.

"Shut the f*ck up!" Josh exclaims. "How do you even know!"

"Drama goes on around here when you guys aren't home. So? Did you?" I ask.

"I don't think we're on that basis yet," Josh says. 

"Fine," I say.

"What about you?" Josh asks.

"I don't think we're on that basis yet," I mock. Josh hmphs and takes a sip of his coffee. "Did you at least kiss?"

"I don't kiss and tell. Or not kiss and tell. I'm not gonna tell you," Josh says.

"Hey Josh," Eddie comes into the kitchen. "Did you and Mully f*ck yet?"

"Oh my God! Stop asking me that!" Josh exclaims. "I'm going back to bed since I'm being treated this way."

"Yeah, go back to bed with Mully!" Eddie calls after him and Josh groans. "Do you want coffee?" Eddie turns to me.

"That would be nice," I say. Eddie goes over to the coffee maker and pours to mugs of it. He comes back to the table and hands me one. "Thanks."

"Are you going to walk back?" Eddie asks.

"Yeah probably," I say. Eddie notices that I'm not wearing the pants he gave me. I know this because his eyes flick down and then a light blush spreads across his face. "I should probably change now. Thanks for the coffee." I get up and walk to the bedroom to get my clothes. I change into them quickly. I walk out of the room wearing the same clothes I wore yesterday. I grab my shoes from the front door. I slip them on. Eddie's still sitting at the table. "I'm going to get going. Thanks for the bed." 

"Wait, it's cold out. You can have that sweatshirt," Eddie says.

"Thank you, but-" I start.

"Take it," Eddie says. I go back to the bedroom and put his sweatshirt into the little backpack I brought with me. I go back to leave. "Why aren't you wearing it?"

"I'm warm right now. I'll put it on if I get cold," I say and slip out the front door. I start walking down the sidewalk. I hear a whistle come from behind me.

"Hey cutie. What are you doing all alone?" I hear a guy ask from behind me. I ignore him, hoping he'll go away. "Such a pretty body you have there." I can practically feel his eyes on my ass. I quickly take the sweatshirt out of the backpack and put it on. I'm thankful it goes down so low. It fully covers my ass. "Can't hide what I've already seen beautiful." 

"Go away!" I say.

"Why? I just want to talk cutie," he says.

"I have a boyfriend," I say.

"I don't see he around," he says.

"Doesn't mean I don't have one," I say.

"Come on, he doesn't have to know," he says. He's basically parked on the road, highly unsafe.

"Get away from me. I have a f*cking boyfriend," I say.

"Where is he?" He asks.

"Right here," I hear a voice come from behind me. My face lights up when I see Eddie.

"Eddie! Baby! This man was harrassing me," I say, pretending to be his boyfriend.

"Back off buddy," Eddie growls.

"Damn, I'm sorry," the guys says and rolls up his window and drives away.

"Are you ok?" Eddie asks.

"Yeah, why are you out here?" I ask.

"I was going for my morning walk and I saw him harassing you. Glad I gave you my sweatshirt," Eddie says.

"Thank you," I say.

"So, boyfriend?" Eddie asks.

"I wasn't referring to you," I say and roll my eyes.

"Are you sure?" Eddie asks.

"Yes, now shoo shoo. I can walk the rest of the way home," I say.

"I can walk you home. It'll be my morning walk," Eddie says.

"Fine," I say. Eddie proceeds to walk me back to my apartment. I'm glad he was there when I needed him. Other wise things could have gone bad.

Hope you guys liked it! Luv you all! More to come!!

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