Chapter 49 - Finally

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Two weeks later, after countless visits to the hospital, mums worried return home after hearing about the accident, a painful funeral- well, not the real one which was in England, but my family and friends of Daisy had a ceremony to say goodbye to her, it was time for Nash to come home.

His ribs had healed quickly and his arm didn't need the full sling anymore, so he only had subtle cuts and had to use crutches when walking around but was generally much better now.

Cameron still hadn't woken from his coma, but was still completely healthy, the doctors were dumbfounded as to why he hadn't awoken yet. Ally was begining to worry me, she had gradually become more and more distant from me, and she visited Cam on a daily basis, she also appeared thinner, with dark circles under her eyes.

At the moment, I was playing some video game with Max - which he's winning, obviously - it's just a way of passing the time, the minutes drag by for eternity if all you do is wait for them.

I was waiting for 6pm because that was when I got to see Nash again, I was going out with him and his family for a meal to celebrate being out of hospital, but what got me worrying was the fact that this was the first official time meeting his family as his girlfriend; so, naturally, I was freaking out over what to wear.

Usually, clothes problems would easily be fixed with Ally picking something out for me, but when she was in the situation she was in right now, my petty problems seemed insignificant.

"Ami, I'm not trying to be nasty or anything but you just let Darth Vadar kill me like ten times, so can you do something else now please?"

I sighed, but obeyed, deciding to choose an outfit since it was already four. I quickly showered and then went clothes searching.

I tried on dresses and skirts and jeans and shorts and anything else that anyone could possible wear and I found nought. Zero. Nothing. It was 5:06 so I was freaking out and couldn't stop myself. I called Ally.

"Erm, hello?" Came Allys voice through the phone, she sounded groggy.

"Hi Al, its Aimee, did I wake you?"

"Yeah, but no worries, I don't mind." There was some shuffling in the background which I firgured meant Ally was sitting up, "What's up?"

"Erm, well it's kind of stupid, but I have a fashion emergency." I said quickly.

"Oh! Okay! How can I help?" I smiled to myself, even at the worst of times Ally could help me, especially with clothes problems.

"Okay, I'm meeting Nash's Parents for the first time, going to a resturant for a special occasion and the weather is warm, what do I wear?"

"Oh, that's easy, the long turquoise skirt that's long, flowy and goes up to your waist, the tight white crop top, your cute white sandals and the Daisy head band I bought you, that way you'll look cute and pretty without being slutty and won't get to hot, it's also not too fancy for a resturant and not to dressy in case no one else dresses up, that sound good?"

"God, I could kiss you right now." It was so great that Ally knew every part of my wardrobe and had outfits planned for both of us for every occasion.

"Your welcome." She replied with a laugh, "look I'm gonna sleep now and you need to get ready, but call me later with the details, okay?"

"Okay!" I agreed happily, glad to find Ally sounded more like her normal self again.

"Okay, Bye beauty." She said.

"Bye princess."

After hanging up, I started getting ready and I had just finished braiding my hair when I looked at the clock and found I only had fifteen minutes left. I decided to put on my shoes so that I'd be ready if Nash came early.

It was a good job I did because too minutes later there was a knock on the door and I opened it to find Nash in dark jeans and a white shirt.

"Hello handsome." I greeted him with a wink.

"Wow, Mils." He said, making me slightly uneasy as he examined me with wide eyes, "you look beautiful."

I felt my cheeks flame red and tried to hide it by looking at the ground and shouting by at mum and Terri. Just as we stepped out the door though, he lifted my chin with his finger and planted a soft kiss on my lips, it was so sweet that it sent butterflies in my stomach and left me feeling weightless.

Together we walked the few steps from my house to his, I was on top of the world, Nash was back, finally.

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