Chapter 65 - Last Chapter

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"Please tell me this is some sort of joke?" Ally demanded, turning on her full 'I'm gonna kill you, bitch' voice.

Mahogany just shot her head from side to side, looking at us like a fox in headlights.

"May, talk. Now." I said, stubbornly, crossing my arms over my chest and glaring down at her.

May stumbled into a standing position and awkwardly brushed of invisible dust from her skirt before giving us both a nervous smile, "Oh, hey guys. I didn't realise that was you at first! What's up?" she asked, faking a casual tone.

"Don't play dumb with us." Ally replied, rolling her eyes before returning to her scowl.

May sent her daggers with her eyes and then turned to me, her eyes huge to fit in with the innocent act. "What's she talking about, Mils?" She asked.

"You know exactly what she's talking about, Darling." I replied in a sickly sweet tone and offering her a fake smile, "Or are you going to pretend that you didn't just bully us into breaking up with our boyfriends?"

She dropped the act, looked us both in the eyes, realised we weren't falling for it and then turned on her full-on-bitch mode.

"No-one will believe you." she sneered, admiring her nails to seem bored, but her eyes kept flicking back to us which gave away her true feelings.

"So? That won't stop us making your life a living hell." Ally stated, as if it were a simple fact of life, like she was telling us the grass was green or the sky was blue.

"What can you do to me?" May asked, her attitude pissing me off because it was obvious she was intimidated by us because she was looking at everywhere but us.

"Oh, Sweetie, the better question would be what wouldn't we do to you." I told her.

"Why'd you do it?" Ally asked before Mahogany could reply to me.

"Because I felt like it."

"Great, now what's the real reason?" Asked Ally again.

May hopped from one foot to the other, her anxiety basically radiating from her body.

"Because," She started, staring at the ground, "I like Nash. I thought he'd finally ask me out this year and I'd be his first real girlfriend. But no, Perfect Amelia has to come along and steal his heart and all my friends. At first I didn't really care because I thought I could date Cameron, he's hot and I thought me and Amelia could be bestfriends and go on double dates, but then Ally decides she wants Cam, and of course Allison get's everything she want's, when she wants it. So, you too pissed me off, so then I was nearly dating Aaron when he told me he didn't like me like that and started avoiding me, but he still loved you too because you too are 'Oh So Perfect.'" She explained with disgust, "but it all worked out fine now, didn't it?" She smiled, giving us each our own patronising grin.

I looked over at Ally who seemed completely calm and collected about the whole situation; this worried me.

"Go on." Ally prompted, gesturing for May to continue.

"Well, I followed Amelia to go find you but I didn't quite see what was going on with Seb and you before Amelia dragged you to the toilets. So, I walked in and was left to tend the bawling drunk, I was just going to leave her there to be honest but then she started talking.." she looked at Ally as she pretended to repeat Allys words "Oh, Cameron will hate me! What have I done? why would I kiss Seb? Oh boo-hoo, I'm such an ugly skank and I can't even-"

Mahogany hadn't even finished her little remake before Ally's hand whipped across her cheek.


"Ally, c'mon, we need to go." I told her, grabbing her arm and dragging her away from a red faced Mahogany.

I couldn't help but smile as Ally cursed the whole way home and we laughed at how stupid May had looked when Ally had slapped her.

"That was a bloody good smack." I congratulated, pouring us both a glass of Oreo milkshake.

"I know, I know." Ally said with a grin and taking a bow. "'Bloody' is such an english word." she mocked, nudging me in the ribs and taking a sip of her drink.

"You love it." I told her with a wink, she giggled and continued with her slurping, "Thank you." I said, suddenly serious.

"What for?" She replied, giving me a questioning look.

"For forgiving me, for slapping the bitch, for sticking by me, for everything else that I'll never have time to list."

"Seriously, Aimee? Why so soppy?" She joked.

"I mean it, I need you in my life." I told her sincerely

"Aw, Aims, I need you too. I love you to the moon and back, you're my number one hoe." She promised with a wink and a grin.

I laughed and sat down beside her.

We both looked out at the sky which was turning a dull grey shade, it was at times like this, when the sky was gloomy and dark, that I felt like the sun would never rise again and that the summer was ending.

"What are we going to do?" Ally asked me. She didn't explain what she meant, but I knew; school started in two weeks which meant we'd be seeing a lot more of Nash, Cam and May. Three people we wished to avoid most. It pained me that I couldn't make up with Nash, something told me it would take some persuading for him to forgive me for this.

I didn't reply to Ally, because honestly, I didn't know.

I guess we'll have to just wait and see.

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