4. avoiding

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He's so frustrating! I try to be nice to him and treat him like a normal person. But ugh! Why do I bother? Maybe it should be strictly progressional between me and the Agreste twins. They bring nothing but trouble.

Fiona walked along the stone walkway beside the Seine River near the docks. It was quiet, she could hear the water flowing and splashing down. Fiona could hear humming as she stumbled in front of a large houseboat parked on the dock.

She peeked and saw a tall blue-haired teen who was lifting boxes on the top deck of the boat. He felt someone watching him and turned around towards Fiona.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to stare, I was just wondering where the humming was coming from."

Fiona's face flushed in embarrassment as she nervously waved at him. The boy smiled widely at her and gestured her to enter the boat. Fiona clutched onto her bag as she stepped on board.

"Your Fiona right? The model?"

He asked as he set down the final box and turned to face her. She rolled her eyes as she nodded, fully expecting him to be another fan.

"Cool! I'm Luka!"

Luka extended his hand out at Fiona and smiled. Fiona hesitantly shook his hand, still completely taken aback by the reaction.

Wait. Why does his name sound so familiar.

"Nice to meet you, Luka."

The two teens smiled at one another before Luka sat down and picked up his guitar. Fiona watched him as he fiddled with the strings with his fingers. He started to play a familiar tune that intrigued Fiona's attention.

"That's one of my favorite songs."

Fiona mumbled as Luka raised an eyebrow and let out a laugh. Luka stopped his playing and looked up at the girl with a grin. Fiona tilted her head and frowned, unaware of what was going on.

He looked over at a poster behind Fiona, which made Fiona turn around to stare at it. She facepalmed her head and laughed.

"Oh my god. Luka! I knew I recognized you! I love your music! Kitty Section is like my favorite band ever!"

Fiona excitedly jumped up, letting her inner fangirl shine. Luka covered his mouth and giggled at the girl.

"Wow I never would've guessed that supermodel Fiona Aubrey listens to our music. That's like amazing!"

The two exchanged the biggest smiles at one another. The rest of the evening was filled with chatter and laughter between the two. They mostly talked about music and their interests, it overall felt refreshing to Fiona to able to talk about anything else but her celebrity life.

"Crap. I didn't realize how late it had gotten."

Fiona shrugged as she gathered her things off the ground. Luka stood up and helped Fiona off the ground and smiled back at her.

"Do you want me to walk you home?"

Luka asked, carefully helping Fiona off the unsteady boat. Once they were back on the stone walkway, she turned to face him and took out her phone from her back pocket.

"I don't wanna be any more of a bother tonight. But I'll let you know once I get home."

Luka and Fiona exchanged phone numbers before waving goodbye to one another. Fiona started walking back onto the lonely streets of Paris, she didn't mind walking home but she was definitely on edge the entire way. She never realized how quiet and lonely the night can get.

A Love Story in a Minor Key ~ Felix AgresteWhere stories live. Discover now