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"Felix. Adrien. Your father wants to see you both in his office immediately."

Nathalie spoke, tapping away on her tablet as she approached the boys. She looked up at the screen to smile at the two twin boys before ushering them forwards. 

"I wonder what father wants this time."

Adrien sighed, turning to face his brother as they approached their father's office. 

"Just learn to deal with it, Adrien."

He responded, pushing the door open to reveal two elegantly dressed strangers sitting in front of their father's desk. 

"Ah yes. Felix. Adrien. Come meet the Lawrence's."

Gabriel cleared his throat, gesturing his sons to enter the office. A tall-slender woman spun around from one of the chairs and held a  hand against her heart upon seeing the twins. 

"My God, you two are just the most handsome pairs of twins I've ever seen."

 Adrien smiled at the compliment whilst his brother remained stone-faced. The woman extended her hand at the boys as she introduced the other person sitting beside her.

"My name is Camila Lawrence and this is my husband Jefferey Lawrence."

Just when the boys were about to speak, the doors flung wide open as a flustered teenage girl ran inside. The whole room went quiet as they watched the young girl's face flush with embarrassment.

"I-I'm so sorry! I couldn't find the bathroom and I got lost.. and the assistant just told me you all started the meeting...a-and I-"

The girl was interrupted by Gabriel raised his hand in their air and spoke.

"Felix. Adrien. This is Fiona Aubrey."

~a year later~

"Fiona. Why don't you smile more!? Where's the emotion! Ugh!"

The Italian accented photographer snapped, covering his face with his hand and tapping his foot on the ground. Fiona just stared at the ground, walking off the stage in disappointment. 

"Your lack of emotion is evident."

Fiona rolled her eyes as Felix approached behind her.

"Not now Felix."

She muttered, turning away from him and towards her dressing room. 

"You know, it's rude to leave in the middle of a conversation."

Felix teased, following shortly behind her. He found it amusing when he annoyed Fiona, especially knowing he does a great job at doing so.

"Felix. I mean this in the best way possible but get lost!"

Fiona snapped, whipping around to face the blonde before slamming the door in his face. 

"Better compose yourself soon. Don't wanna be here all day."

Felix called out through the door, laughing as he walked away. Fiona made her way to the couch and immediately let herself fall onto the pillow below her, letting out an angry cry as she made contact. 

It had been a year since Fiona and her family moved to Paris full-time for a modeling contract with the Agreste and Lawrence brands. The contract contained a modeling trio that featured Adrien, Felix, and Fiona. The whole plan was orchestrated by Gabriel himself as he thought he could boost his business back in America. Her parents thought it was a great idea as they wanted Fiona to become a model in France, the fashion capital of the world.

"Five minutes Fiona."

A voice spoke through the door. 

Fiona and the Agreste twins rocked the modeling world within a short amount of time. They all became the best youngest teen models in the world. With that said, having all this time spent together formed a new relationship between Fiona and Adrien, who both quickly caught feelings for one another upon meeting for the first time.

This relationship gained them new attraction as they were now the biggest celebrities in Paris. But that all came to an end when...


She slowly lifted her head off the pillow, upon hearing the voice. Her eyes caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror in front of her. 

"Two minutes Fiona."

 Fiona blankly stared at her reflection, letting tears stream down her cheek after hearing the familiar voice again. 

"It's time Fiona."

She shrugged, quickly wiping the tears away and getting onto her feet. She turns to face the mirror once more, allowing herself to fix her hair and makeup before exciting the room.

"Are you ready?"

Adrien's emerald eyes fell onto Fiona's as soon as she opened the door. Fiona nodded, brushing past Adrien and towards the stage. Adrien tags behind, keeping his head down as he makes his way to the stage. Felix, who was already on the stage, watched the two heartbroken teens approach and rolled his eyes at them. 

This is gonna be a long day.


A Love Story in a Minor Key ~ Felix AgresteWhere stories live. Discover now