Mioha figures it out

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Gandalf's blue eyes rested on the glittering sky above him. The glow the stars emanated gave him a feeling of peace, something he had rarely felt in these times.
He sighed and placed a hand on the railing, feeling the old magic thrumming beneath his fingers.

"What are ye doin' here at this time?", asked a Scottish voice. A figure stepped up to his side, gazing down the tower across the slumbering grounds.

"Oh, just letting my thoughts sort themselves out", answered Gandalf quietly. His half-moon spectacles glinted in the stars' light as he turned his head.
"Might I ask what is keeping you awake, Minerva?"

The witch harrumphed.
"The Fat Friar woke Pomona and I t' complain that a bunch of first-year Hufflepuffs were rummaging through the kitchens", she said and pinched her lips together.
"She's with them now."

"Ah", Gandalf chuckled. "The first-years never do seem to change. And midnight parties never seem to go out of style, no matter what century."

"Century?", said Minerva irritatedly.

Gandalf put it off with a wave of his hand, the healthy one.
"Just a figure of speech, my dear."
Well, sort of. 

"Ah", said Minerva.

There was silence for a few minutes.

"Severus and Mr. Malfoy should be back by now", she said, a tense edge to her voice.

Gandalf's eyes wandered down to where the gates of Hogwarts were slightly visible.
It was three in the morning and while it was not unusual for a Death Eater meeting to last well into the night, they rarely went this long. Gandalf could feel concern stir up inside him as he stared beyond the gates into the darkness of the Forbidden Forest.

"Yes", he said quietly. "I believe you are right."

Minerva shifted restlessly beside Gandalf.
"We can't wait here 'n' do nothin', Albus", she said sharply.

"I agree with you", said Gandalf and straightened up, sliding his hands into his sleeves. "I've asked Firenze to keep guard by the gates. Should anything have happened, we will know immediately."
He closed his eyes, forcing his breath to remain steady despite the sense of foreboding pulsating through him.
"And Poppy is ready."

Minerva exhaled.
"Ye sound like ye know what will have happened."

"I can only guess."

A sound beneath them alarmed Gandalf and he leaned forward, peering through his spectacles. Behind the golden poles of the gates there was movement.
The cracks of snapping branches echoed loudly through the night, followed by the thudding of hooves and someone speaking agitatedly.

Gandalf frowned and narrowed his eyes.
He could make out Firenze's broad figure, bending over someone slumped to the ground.
His eyes widened.

"Is that them?", asked Minerva worriedly.


Gandalf's hand tightened around the railing.
"Please alert Poppy."

And with that, he disappeared into thin air without a sound. Minerva inhaled, feeling her chest tighten from nervousness, and whirled around.

Hidden Wings - Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now