Fighting I

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Draco and the other Hydras were positioned next to the Zephyrs, meaning he had a clear view to everything that happened at the gates.
In his left pocket, he could feel the weight of the phial Severus had given him earlier.

The explosion of the fireball had been so bright, black dots were dancing in front of his eyes and he had difficulties remaining standing.

"Look!", someone to his left shouted and pointed upward.

Draco blinked several times and his eyes followed the movement, only to widen in shock.
Mioha was falling at high speed towards the ground, having been blinded by the fire. Then she slammed into the ground and slid a few more meters further before stilling completely.

Draco swallowed heavily, fighting the urge to run up to her to check whether or not she was okay. She was too far away for him to see anything, all he could tell was that Mioha was laying on her side, her back turned towards the castle.

Severus started to hurry down the lawn, his wand pointed at her, followed by Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick. The other professors tried to rebuild the magical shield before any other Death Eater could near Hogwarts, but so far none had managed to cross the elemental barriers.

"Is she unconscious?", said Filius and narrowed his eyes when they neared Miss Mioha. She was still twenty meters away and all they could see was that her wings were twitching slightly.
Suddenly, Miss Mioha's head moved and she pushed herself back onto her feet, swaying slightly. She spread her wings to keep her balance and turned around with blazing eyes.

The professors had stopped at her movement and now pointed their wands at her. Miss Mioha's energy was strong enough for them to feel it and it was unsettling.

"Not bad", Miss Mioha hissed, her red eyes burning furiously. "But you should not have done that."
She took a step forward.

"Petrificus Totalus!"
Filius cast the petrifying spell on Miss Mioha and she stiffened instantly. For a moment, they thought they had caught her off guard and that it had worked.
Then slowly, the witch's head rotated with a crack until her eyes were fixed on Filius.

"Now that", she said icily and lifted her hand, "was definitely a death wish, I presume?"
And she flicked her hand.

A blast of red magic slammed into the three professors and they got thrown off their feet.
The glass phials in their pockets broke and the liquid seeped out into the grass.
Minerva cursed under her breath when she felt the shards pierce her thigh.
They hadn't been able to cast an Unbreakable Charm on the phials because that would have rendered the potion useless.

Severus immediately leapt back onto his feet and attacked Miss Mioha, his wand whipping back and forth.
Minerva and Filius got back up and swiftly followed suit, ignoring the glass stuck in their wounds.
Spells shot out of their wands, which moved so fast that their movements appeared blurred. They were three master duelers and usually, no one had a chance when facing all three of them.

But Miss Mioha was not no one.

She deflected each spell with ease and now an amused smile crept onto her lips.
"It is good for me to warm up", she said, sounding almost bored as she blocked Minerva's and Severus hex simultaneously.
"But you must understand, I have things to do."
A wave of magic erupted from her chest and hit all three professors with such force, they painfully got knocked to the ground once more.

Miss Mioha spread her wings and shot into the air, leaving the professors behind her as she flew towards the castle.

Minerva groaned and hurried to get back onto her feet. Her head was aching and her back felt like she had slept in a nail bed.

Hidden Wings - Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now