Coming home

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Mioha first traveled to the creatures of light in Scotland and England

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Mioha first traveled to the creatures of light in Scotland and England. She needed about a month before she continued on to Europe.
Sometimes she traveled while remaining invisible, sometimes she showed herself to the Wizarding World.

She heard from the eagles that the muggles had lately noticed seeing shooting stars in the area of northern Europe and Mioha had to smile inwardly at that.
She never thought she would be seen as a shooting star.

Mioha made sure to flash back to Hogwarts regularly, although she always needed to prepare herself mentally. Every time she got there, she had trouble leaving again. And whatever Draco was working on to surprise her, he still wouldn't say.

It took six months for Mioha to finish all of Europe and move on to Asia, and another year to continue to Africa. Each unicorn herd she left behind her, each werewolf she met on her way and each other creature of her element she healed looked better instantly when she neared them in her Titan form.
She had no troubles finding them. Mioha embodied the element of light and she could sense everything that was part of it.

Draco couldn't visit her, obviously, since she changed her locations to quickly, so the only times they saw each other was when she flashed back to Hogwarts. It was very trying for them both, but they handled it the best they could. Sometimes, Mioha worried that they would grow apart because of her travels, but that was not the case at all. Instead, their love for each other seemed to grow stronger.

She always made sure to stay at least the night when she visited, before returning to her task.


"Are ye ready?", said Professor McGonagall, eyeing Draco closely.

He nodded firmly.

"Ye have trained yer mind to focus, but this will require yer absolute concentration", Professor McGonagall said with a warning tone. "Animagus transformation is not somethin' one should take lightly."

Draco nodded again.

The past two years, he had trained under the watch of Professor McGonagall to become an animagus. That was his surprise for Mioha.
He had done a test to see what his animagus form was and after finding out it was a pegasus, he had not been swayed in his decision to become one permanently.

It was a hard decision for him. He had wanted to become a painter for a long time and he had never known anything else than being a human. Added to that, he would give up his magic.
But Mioha had sacrificed so much. It was time he did the same for her.

Severus had warned him about witches and wizards who had decided to permanently stay in their animagus form, but that they had regretted it soon.
It was irreversible.

But Draco had made up his mind. He was not going to switch back and forth between being in his animagus form and a human. He was going to give a hundred percent to Mioha and remain with her as a pegasus.

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