The spy blows his cover

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Severus Snape pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes

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Severus Snape pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. The fire flickering in the fireplace had gone out and so had the torches hanging on the walls of his office.
The only light came from the setting sun. A blood-red color, which gave him the feeling as if his office were drowning in red blood.

Severus tossed his quill aside and leaned back in his chair, trying to loosen the muscles in his tense back.
He looked up at the snoring portraits, each of a former headmaster.

But one portrait was missing. After his death, Albus Dumbledore had never shown up on a portrait like he ought to have. The empty space on the wall behind Severus chair held room for his portrait and yet it had remained blank for months.
And is posed an enigma for Severus.
He could not tell whether thinking about this eased his heart since that could mean Albus was not dead, or whether it just gave him a bloody headache. Albus had been hit with the killing curse, he was dead.

The wizard turned his neck until a crack loosened the knot in his muscles. Then he picked up his quill, ready to finish his report. But he found himself blankly staring at the words he'd written, which were staring back at him from the parchment in a bright green color.

Barely anything was going according to plan.
The trio had almost run into the vampires...twice, as Phineas had informed him. And they seemed to have barely made any progress at all.
Now, lucky him, Severus had to make sure Potter received the Gryffindor sword so he could destroy the horcrux they had actually managed to find. Locating them would be a difficult task, but he had encountered worse.

Severus scowled.

Miss Mioha's transfer to Malfoy Manor would be closely watched, Lucius would make sure of that. Draco had informed Minerva about the date and time, but how the Order would plan Miss Mioha's rescue was out of his hands.
She had been a captive for several months now. The Dark Lord ordered Severus to check on her every few weeks and never liked the answer he received: Miss Mioha was growing weaker. The constant exposure to the chains was draining her and it did not help that she was basically kept as weak as possible.
She would make it to the eclipse, the Dark Lord had seen to that, but what state she would be in Severus did not dare to imagine.

He took another breath to clear his mind and found that it did not help. With all the rebelling students he kept an eye on and his duties as a Death Eater, he barely found the time to sleep. It would not surprise him, if his bed sheets already had a coating of dust covering them.

Severus resumed finishing his report, then laid both the quill and parchment aside.

The plans the Dark Lord had were known to him, seeing as he was the servant the madman trusted the most at the moment.
Miss Mioha was to be turned into a dark creature on the eclipse. Her connection to the Titans was to be used to turn them evil as well, once Miss Mioha regained her Titan form.
There was just one flaw in the Dark Lord's plan: he did not know where the Birth Place was.

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