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The spring sun shone warmly from the blue sky

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The spring sun shone warmly from the blue sky. The buzzard's screeched loudly, enjoying the fresh winds that blew across the shimmering lake.
Common swifts chased each other up into the air, around the battlements and towers of Hogwarts while their happy cries could be heard from the ground.

The Easter holidays had started and all students had returned home, leaving only the professors in the castle.
The newest additions to the staff had been Hermione Weasley, Harry Potter, Ginevra Potter and Luna Longbottom, all professors for STEM. Hermione taught water, Harry taught earth, Luna air and Ginny fire.

The professors were out on the lawn, sitting at a table that had been carried outside to enjoy their cake and tea with the afternoon sun.

Beside the table in the grass, next to Professor Snape, Professor McGonagall and Gandalf, sat Mioha. Her wings were folded by her side and she was contently nibbling on a carrot.

"Mom!", exclaimed a young Silverwing, jumping up to his mother, "Rose won't let me try her cake!"

Mioha swallowed and shot her son a stern look.
"You know that chocolate cake will only give you a stomach ache, Scorpius."

"But I just want a small bite", whined Scorpius.

Mioha rolled her eyes and gestured with her head to the basket of fruits beside her.
"Try something healthier instead, it will save you pain."

Scorpius pouted.
"I don't want an apple."

"What's wrong with him?", asked Minerva curiously and set down her teacup.

Mioha looked up.
He wants some cake, but it will only give him a stomach ache.

Gandalf bent down to Scorpius, a Sherbert Lemon in his hand.

Don't you dare, Gandalf.
Mioha shot him a stern look.

The old wizard chuckled and straightened back up.

Mioha watched her son return to Rose, who was sitting next to her mother and enjoying a chocolate cake.
She smiled inwardly.

Her son Scorpius had his father's eyes, but he definitely had her stubbornness.

Her eyes traveled further to the right.
Her twins, Cassiopeia and Lyra, were rolling around in the grass while neighing delightedly. They were only two years younger than their brother and half as tall as him.

Wings rustled in the air above them and a shadow blocked out the sun. A moment later, it landed on the ground beside Mioha and folded its wings.

Hidden Wings - Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now