Dispute in the pipes

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I was bored, so I decided to write a short little chapter to pass the time.
Enjoy 💜


"This is not going to work."


"I told you, it wouldn't work."

"Shut it, you mudblood! Bom-"

"How often do I need to tell you that you won't get out? You suck at wandless magic and these pipes are reinforced-"

Amycus Carrow angrily kicked against the slimy wall. Then he cursed loudly when his foot started throbbing terribly.

In his own pipe, Dimitry leaned back and grinned satisfied at the sounds of Carrow jumping around with his bruised foot. Those Carrows were not the smartest lot in the world and it tortured his brain to hear them even breathe. However, it was amusing to hear them trying to smash things and getting hurt in the process.

"Perhaps you can use your sister as a battering ram", said Dimitry thoughtfully. "And try to break through the pipe wall. Or the other way around, depending on who has the thicker skull."
He paused.
"I forgot, you're sitting in separate pipes. You'll have to use your own heads then."

Two loud thuds, one on his left and one on his right, told him that two heavy things had just slammed against the sturdy pipe walls.

Dimitry had to suppress a grin.
He wasn't particularly fond of the situation he was in. The food was gruesome and so was the company. The skinny rat sitting in the shadowy corner was definitely as dumb as the Carrows. It could have easily escaped through one of the small holes lining the bottom of the walls, but it didn't. Instead, it preferred eating Dimitry's scarce meals.

But Dimitry wasn't dumb. He had expected at first to actually get a higher rank among the Death Eaters once he had stopped the Silverwing and told the Dark Lord about the Titans. However, it seemed that the Dark Lord had planned on disposing of him once he was no longer useful. That meant that he was actually safer in this pipe than anywhere else.

"If I EVER lay my hands on Snape", roared Alecto, "I will rip his guts out!"
She angrily smashed something. Probably her water jug.

"I will skin him first", hissed Amycus.

"You will not stop me from getting my revenge!", said Alecto hotly. "I will so enjoy watching the light dim in Snape's eyes!"

And the Carrows started arguing who would get the chance to torture and kill Snape first.
Alecto would cut Snape's head off before Amycus could skin him. Amycus wanted to burn his tongue before Alecto cut Snape's head off. Alecto then yelled that she would chop off Snape's arms and legs before Amycus could burn his tongue.

Dimitry leaned back and folded his arms, listening interestedly.
"You know", he interrupted when Amycus was inhaling to bellow another I-am-going-to-kill-Snape-first, "you two should see who is more worthy of killing Snape."

Both Carrows fell silent.
"What do you mean?", asked Alecto suspiciously.

"Well, both of you should see who is the toughest, strongest Carrow", Dimitry explained with a wolfish grin neither could see. "You know, see whoever can punch a hole through the wall, or slam his, or her, head against it more often. Simple things."

The Carrows thought for a moment.
"The head one sounds good", said Amycus finally. "I was always told that I was pig-headed."

"You wish!", sneered Alecto. "I bet I can endure more slams against the wall with my head than you can!"

And it was on.
Two idiots clonked their heads against the pipe walls like maniacs, while Dimitry could barely contain his laughter.
Oh, he hoped they would both knock themselves out.

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