Chapter 2

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Ayato and Rio were both speechless at what Kaneki said, how does he expect that they will leave aogiri in the first place and even if they did would they be loyal, they can backstab him whenever they want, so why does he put forward that stupid proposal.

"And why would we do that ?", Ayato asked
"Because if you don't I will kill you and your  friend both right here", Kaneki states."No, I mean why do you think we would be loyal to you of all people ?", Ayato says while rephrasing his question."Because I know your secret, that you are doing this to become strong and protect your sister. Listen Ayato I am doing this for that specific reason too because I want to protect Touka too, so let's just put the past behind us and  join hands because you know too that one day aogiri will come to the 20th ward and turn it to hell like they did at so many other places."

Ayato was there wide-eyed after listening to what Kaneki had to say, he ponders over it for a few seconds and then he says, "Okay then, me and Rio will join your group", Kaneki replies while looking at Rio, "Don't you think you should discuss it with your friend first I don't want any problems in the future". Ayato looks towards his friend, "Rio-" "There's no need Kaneki-san, I have already decided that I want to come with you, me and Ayato joined Aogiri when we were kids and we mostly did it out of fun with ofcourse the desire to become stronger but now I regret that decision because once we got into this life it was impossible to leave, we tried to leave numerous times but couldn't and today we get the opportunity to leave and to work with you, I don't think I will let this opportunity go to waste."

Kaneki smiles at them, "so it's final then" they nod and Kaneki shakes hands with them and they do the same with rest of the group to signify that those who were fighting to the death minutes ago are allied now.

*Timeskip to a few months*

Kaneki's group now consisting of two new members continues their guerrilla tactics and bring down many ghoul restaurants and aogiri tree members or anyone who they thought were harmful for the 20th ward to stay alive and the news of their exploits is spreading far and wide in Tokyo.

In a peaceful coffee shop named Anteiku which is regular meeting center for ghouls, the news of the exploits of the eyepatch and his new companions spreads like wild fire.

"Oi Yomo, I've heard that Kaneki and Touka's brother are working together now. Is that true ?", Nishiki asks looking towards Yomo,he simply nods and Nishiki is left without words, "To think that those two are working together now, they were out for each other's life not so long ago, Kaneki even broke half his bones."

Roma enters the conversation and Nishiki tells her the news and Roma starts screaming out of shock, "NANI !??!, Kaneki-san and Touka's brother are working together now and he left aogiri",before Nishiki could get her to calm down and get her to stop the breaking of a cup was heard and the three of them looked towards it, it was Touka and she was staring at them with wide eyes.

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