Chapter 19

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Touka's eyes slowly opened and she searched her surroundings looking for Ken, 'looks like he placed me on the bed when I fell asleep', she got up and went to the room where Ayato and Hinami were previously and found the girl, "Hina, Where's Ken and Ayato ?", she asked in a sweet tone although she talked to hinami like this for a long time but nowadays she's more used to it maybe because she was going to be a parent and the fact caused a ray of happiness and hope in her dark world or maybe just because her lover had influenced her by giving her the beautiful gift. Hinami replied, "Onii-chan and Ayato have gone outside on a reconnaissance mission, Onii-chan said it was important and that it was to repay Tsukiyama-san"
Touka was a little upset but pleasantly surprised at the same time, her Ken always wanted to go alone to protect others, "How come he took Ayato to tag along with him ?", she asked out of curiosity, listening to her older sister's question Hinami giggled which only peaked Touka's curiosity
"Why are you laughing ?", she asked
Hinami replied, "He didn't take Ayato with him instead Ayato forcefully went with him, when Onii-chan came to told us Ayato asked if he was going alone again and onii told him yes and Ayato got angry at him-", hinami couldn't control her laughter,"He said 'I'm not gonna let you get my sister pregnant then run off and die' and he tagged along", Hinami laughed and Touka too was laughing beside her, "Well I've got to thank him when they come back, oh those idiots"


Kaneki was on the steering wheel of a black sedan while Ayato was sitting on the front seat next to him, "We are very close to our target, keep your guard up", Kaneki said to the boy sitting beside him who simply nodded

The car came to a stop on the side of the road and they got out, Ayato kept a watch while Ken took out something from the car's trunk. He came and without a word placed sopmething in Ayato's hand and moved passed, Ayato looked at the object which was placed in his hand which was a silenced pistol, he looked at Kaneki, "Hey I don't need these toys, they're used by weak ghouls who don't have a strong kagune. My wings are enough", he whispered which earned him a look of annoyance from his partner, "Thats why I go on missions alone, look the aogiri members we are looking for also have some doves looking for them maybe they also chose the same day to attack as us. I would prefer if you could do it with stealth", Kaneki explained
"Fine I guess, Lets go", Ayato said and both the ghouls started to approach their target which was a old wornout office building with 4 floors, it looked as if it was abandoned for decades but both of them knew otherwise.

The two ghouls were eager for revenge as these were the worthless vemin who took away their peace from them, their family away from them. They entered the building from one of the windows on the first floor and found one of the aogiri members sleeping on the couch with a bottle of blood wine beside him, he was quickly dispatched by Ken as he broke the ghoul's neck while he slept sending him to an eternal slumber. They stood still for a while, Kaneki was strong but his senses weren't as strong as regular ghouls so he let Ayato listen and find the locations of the remaining targets and their movement. After a while Ayato whispered to Kaneki, " Three on this floor, Two above us and Five at the top most floor, The three on this floor are together so we have to be careful", Ken simply nodded and took out his pistol and signalled his partner to follow him and silently went towards the room where the three member were sitting arround a fire to keep themselves warm, in a split second Ken and Ayato aimed through the rotting doorway and took out two members without making a sound while the third was adding what seemed like dry leaves to the fire as he got up he saw both of his companions dead with bullet holes on their foreheads, before he could make a sound his throat was sliced in half and his head fell down on the fire extinguishing it.

They went up the floors inaudibly and found one of the two members patrolling, Ayato shot him without thinking, "What the hell ! We don't know where the other one is, think before you shoot", Kaneki whispered angrily and went to try and find the other ghoul remaining on this floor while Ayato tried to hide the corpse of the one he shot just now, they didn't have to search for long though as the aogiri member found them instead, he made direct eye contact with Kaneki and yelled "EYEPATCH!!" to alarm his companions before getting impaled by red rinkaku tentacles, Kaneki sent a irritated look at Ayato, "Well there's just five of them left, I think we can handle that", Ayato said apologetically as his pride didn't allow him say it outright, "Whatever", Kaneki replied in his stoic expression and then the rest of the five came charging down only to be put down one after the other by the hands of the Eyepatch and Black Rabbit, who after a bit of cleaning went on their way.

They were sitting in the car, Kaneki driving while Ayato was sitting in the front seat like before, "Glad to know you still haven't gone rusty", Ayato said taking a lazy strech on his seat while yawning, Kaneki just punched him jokingly in the chest as to agree with him earning a curse from the younger ghoul which caused them both to start laughing like maniacs,
"I thought after staying with my sister for so long you would have gotten a little out of touch, that's why I tagged along but I guess I was wrong", Ayato said after they calmed down,
"Well Touka gives me the reason to fight on, she's the reason behind my strength because all want to do is keep our family safe especially with the baby arriving in a few months" Ken told Ayato taking a sigh,
"Couldn't agree more", Ayato said looking at his reflection in the car's rearview mirror


Kaneki and Ayato were sitting in Mirumo's office, all three of them drinking coffee.
"I don't know how to thank you Kaneki-kun, you may not know but you have really done a great favour to our corporation. We owe you for this.", Mirumo said bowing his head a little
"It's nothing Tsukiyama-san, you gave me and my family protection in these testing times for that I will do my best to repay you", Kaneki said thanking him.
They discussed future plans before Ken and Ayato retired to their rooms.

"Welcome back dear", Touka cheered causing Ken to grow red, "W-what ??", he muttered in confusion and embarrassment,
"I don't know, I just wanted to say that to you. You didn't like it ?",she questioned blushing herself
"N-no, I loved it",he said hugging her and kissing her forehead
"Get a room you two", Ayato said tiredly but smiled at them. Hinami punches his arm, "Ayato !!",she yells for disturbing the lovebirds then Ayato hugs her tightly putting his weight on her and Hinami turned red as a tomato while she gasped at the embarrassment of doing it infront of their seniors,"I don't have the energy for this, let me rest",he said faking sleep on her shoulder causing Ken and Touka to giggle. "By the way thank you Ayato for going with your Aniki", Touka said smiling at her younger brother
"Don't mention it", he said still hugging Hinami while she was embarrassed but hugged him back

It was beautiful, their little family in the midst of chaos


Author's note:- I was on a break for a long time so for you guys a longer chapter 🥰

And a special thanks to AngelDavidson2
for the motivation to write this

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