Chapter 18

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Recently the tsukiyama mansion welcomed its new guest, the survivors of the battle of the 20th ward. It was pleasing for Mirumo Tsukiyama to have his son's friends and help them in these testing times. He felt sorry for the young ghouls who had lost their family but he also saw a future in them perhaps they could be of some use for them....

It had been around a week since they arrived in the property and were still getting used to living there, hinami and ayato had already started pampering her ignoring her constant explaining that she was just 3 and a half months pregnant and she doesn't need this much care though the baby bump was visible, according to the soon to be uncle and aunt they had the right to do so. It isn't everyday you receive news of little niece or nephew coming into this world and boy were they excited, 'excited' might be an understatement, they had already started discussing the names with Touka,
"If its a boy we should name him Jotaro" said Hinami with sparkling eyes,
"And if its a girl we should name her Mikasa", Ayato replied. Hearing this Touka cringed and got up, "Enough of your anime bullshit, I am gonna go now", she said getting up
"Where are you going ?", Ayato aked in a concerned tone
"To see the kid's father, where else ?", Touka replied in a irritated and Ayato remained silent to not anger the lioness even more, she could say things which could be classified as rude and able to break someone's heart, they don't understand how kaneki deals with this but he has his ways.

They were given a set of rooms in the mansion, it was like an appartment just that it had more space, she went to the living room where Ken was sitting on a sofa and calmly reading, looking at him now Touka had memories of her father, the sleeveless sweater he was wearing over his plain shirt, engulfed in his book with a stoic expression,
She looked at herself she was wearing one of his sweaters which was loose on her and came to her thighs, she took a whiff of the sweater as red filled her cheeks. Ken looked up from his book to see his lover in his clothes and he too blushed, he signals her to come to him and she does and tries to sit on the sofa but he doesn't let that happen, he puts his book away while he helps her to sit not on the sofa but on his lap and he gives her a soft kiss, "How are you feeling today ?"
He asks softly while playing with her hair,
"Good, just dealing with Ayato and Hinami's pampering" she says closing her eyes
"They can't help it can they ?, Its feels unreal sometimes that we ended up like this, waiting for the next member of our family.
Just know that I will keep watching over you, protecting you, loving you", Ken said getting emotional
She doesn't say anything but puts her head on his shoulder while slowly caressing her tummy, they stay like this for a while.

Ken sees that she has fallen asleep, so he gets up with her in his arms bridal style and puts her in his bed and covers her in a blanket and goes out of the room carefully closing the door while leaving so that he doesn't wake the girl up, 'I wonder what Mirumo-san wanted to talk with me about', he thought as he went to meet the man down the flight of stairs. He stood outside the elder tsukiyama's quarters and went on to knock, "Enter", was what he heard inside the room and he went in and saw the man reading a newspaper while sitting in his chair near the fire place. The older man put down the paper to look at him, "Oh Kaneki-kun, welcome please have a seat"
He did as he was told, "If I heard correctly then you will become a father soon", Mirumo said smiling, Kaneki nodded smiling himself
"It is a great responsibility to raise a child in this world of ours but on the other hand they are our hope of the future, to keep moving forward" he said remembering his younger days when he became a father
"I couldn't agree more, children give us a reason to continue living", Kaneki said thinking of the time when Touka gave him the good news
"As happy as I am for you both I feel quite guilty of what we need to talk about" Mirumo said adjusting his glasses
"What is it that you wished to discuss with me ?" Ken said with a hint of curiosity in his voice
"Well I needed your help Kaneki-kun"
"Of course you gave us protection in your house, I will help in whatever way I can", Kaneki said in a firm tone
"You don't have to mention that, you are our esteemed guests. Now about why I need your help, you see the tsukiyama group of companies consists of many smaller companies which we aid and support in return for their contribution but nowadays the ghouls of aogiri tree have been quite a thorn at our side, they keep coming for funds to the companies for protection and it is quite problematic you see they will be running a loss if this continues any longer and they have requested for my help but I don't have any people to spare we are in constant need of food, so we send our hunters but there needs to be a handful people in the mansion too at all times for our safety, so can I rely on you ?"

"Aogiri's thugs huh ?, Well of course Tsukiyama-san I have a score to settle with them as you may know", Kaneki said anger visible in his eyes
"Yes I know and thank you for your help, I will be beholden to you Kaneki-kun"


Author's note: yo long time no see everyone 😅
Sorry for the wait but you know the drill

I was going through a dark phase in life, I had decided to leave the fanfic incomplete
I didn't have the motivation to write this but you know things get better 😉

Thank you ❤️ to every reader who got this to 2.48K at the time I am publishing it

You all give me the motivation to do this
Love you all and see you soon

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