Chapter 6

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*Meanwhile in anteiku, 20th ward*

It's closing time in anteiku, there are no customers in the quiet but comfortable coffee shop. It's Touka and Nishiki's shift and they are silent, nishiki knows that ken declined the offer to come back and he doesn't want to say anything because he thinks touka is already hurt enough. Ayato has almost reached the coffee shop as kaneki ordered and is feeling very nervous to enter because he knows how angry and hurt she was on him and ken, he takes a deep breath and enters, " it's closing time, sorr-" touka says without looking but when she does dozens of emotions come over her when she sees her little brother.

"Hey, how have you been sis?", he says a bit awkwardly, "Its been sometime since I visited this place". "What do you want Ayato?", Asked touka a bit scared that he is just here to check on her and will leave after that. "I-I...... How do I say this?!", Ayato is flustered, "What ?" asked touka getting curious. "Look I was a total jerk and I caused you so much pain but Kaneki-san gave me a chance, I want to change and I am sorry for what I did to you also I want to return to anteiku to live with you" he looked sincere, no he was sincere and he wanted to fix his relationship with his sister. Touka's eyes began to form tears and she ran to hug ayato and cried to his shoulder, "you brat, you better behave or I will kick your ass".

Nishiki was smiling in the corner and when touka released ayato from her hug he intruded, "Kaneki-san, huh?" Ayato was glaring holes in him and Nishiki got scared.

Next few days passed by peacefully, Ayato was staying in Touka's appartment with Hinami while Touka worked her shifts or went to school, infact Ayato and Hinami became really good friends because they were around the same age and Hinami tought him kanji and read him books, they enjoyed each other's company. One day touka was sitting on her couch watching TV with Ayato and Hinami drinking coffee, she was tired after a long shift and something came out of her mouth which she didn't want to, "I know you don't want to stay here with me, you're only doing it because Kaneki told you to", Touka's eyes widened at her own words and she immediately regretted saying it when she saw tears in Ayato's eyes while he ran into his room and locked himself in.

Hinami ran after him and tried to talk to him but he didn't come out and she looked at touka, "you shouldn't have said that, he's your brother" and touka looks guilty, she gets up from the couch and went to try and talk to him. "Ayato come out, I want to talk", she says through the door and ayato unlocks it and comes out with eyes quite red, he tries to look away so that he could hide his face but touka embraces him in a tight hug, "I am sorry, my brother returns to me after such a long time and look how I treat him" Ayato is a bit better now and forgives her, " it's okay, lashing out at people is common in our family". They both laughed and returned to the couch with Hinami, Hinami is smiling too to see the siblings laughing.

Later at night while helping Touka with the dishes Ayato ponders at what happened and says, " Hey I partially came because he told me to but I wanted to come since I saw you crying, although I didn't want to leave kaneki alone but since he told me it's okay to come back so I did". Touka looks at him and says "don't talk about that useless idiot in my presence", ayato feels uncomfortable to see touka talk about kaneki like that and he decides to tell her even though Kaneki told him not to because Ayato thinks that he was the reason they were separated and he was going to get them back together again.

Touka senses his thoughts and looks at him, "what ?" and Ayato tells her about the trouble on his mind, "hey he's not that bad, you shouldn't talk about him like this. You know that he has feelings for you, right ? Truth be told he wanted to come back when you asked him to, trust me he did but there is something that you don't know about which is stoping him from coming back". Touka's face gets flushed and she punches ayato in the arm for saying those embarrassing things, "And, what is that something idiot ?!!!?". He whispers into her ear,"you know those aogiri thugs have been losing from him badly and they hate loosing, so much so that they start snitching to doves to get rid of him. Kaneki-san fears that if he returns then he would get us all in trouble with him". Touka is left without words or emotions, she doesn't know if she should be angry at aogiri, heart broken for ken or be scared for him, she looks at ayato "is it true?" Ayato just nods. She looks down and whispers, "I pray if there is any higher power, please keep him safe"

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