Chapter 17

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"Touka-chan, we need to talk", Kaneki said taking his coffee from the table while looking around to make sure that Ayato and Hinami aren't there
"Okay but first stop using the honorific with my name, I already told you before and also it feels even weirder since I'm carrying your child", she said half scolding him
"Sorry Touka, force of habit" he said scratching his nape
"It's okay, well what is it you want to talk about Ken ?"
"It's about the baby", hearing this touka looked at him worried, "Hey don't worry, I meant did you tell hina and ayato about this ?", he asked looking around again
"I will after sometime"
"Well whenever you're ready"


It had been three months after they had settled deep down in the 24th ward, they had been seeing the news frequently and the aftermath of 20th ward's incident was starting to calm down so Ken thought that it's time to leave the 24th ward.

They were sitting together in the hall drinking coffee, Ken said, "Hey I think its time, we can leave this ward now that everything has calmed down", he got a little sad remembering the events of the 20th.
"Finally, we can leave. I thought I might never see sunlight again.", Touka said to lighten the mood, earning a small laugh from the group.
"So where are we heading ?", Ayato enquired
"To meet an old friend", Ken answered smiling
"Who is it Ken ?", Touka asked becoming curious
"You will know soon", he answered mischievously

The next day, they started packing and after half an hour they were ready to leave,
"I will be back in five minutes",Touka told them before running of to her room. After five minutes passed by Hinami went to check on her, Kaneki and ayato were waiting for the other two but only hinami came running down

"Where is she ?" Kaneki asked
"Nee-san is sick because she has been eating human food, I found these packets in her room", Hinami answered showing them the packets. Seeing this Kaneki's eyes widen, "I need to see her", he says while trying to reach touka but he was blocked by Ayato.

"You know something, Don't you ?", Ayato said looking angrily at Kaneki
"Yes but it would be better if you hear it from her", Kaneki said looking calm
"You bastard, YOU MADE MY SISTER EAT THIS POISON !???!", Ayato yelled at ken while charging at him and unleashing his kagune
"Calm down Ayato, you don't know anything", kaneki said stoicly easily dodging during this hinami is yelling at him "don't do this ayato", she tried to interfere and stop them but kaneki stopped her and pushed her behind him so that ayato accidentally doesn't hurt her
"I know that you didn't stop her from doing this, Why ?, I trusted you", He unleashes his kagune at fires his shards at kaneki, Ken tries to dodge but gets hit by a few because they were still in the base and there wasn't enough space to get out of the way, "Hinami could have gotten hurt, please stop, won't you listen to your Aniki ?"
"No !, I lost all of my family, I can't lose my sister" he breaks down but keeps attacking

"Stop it Ayato!", Touka's voice is heard around the room. He stops and looks at her, there are tears in her eyes
"Why are you doing this, he is your family too, remember ?", She says breathing it out because if she said it any louder it would come out as a sob
"But he-", Ayato is cut short by Touka
"It isn't his fault, don't blame him. I should've told you sooner"
"What ?" Ayato asks, while hinami looks curiously from behind Ken
"I'm pregnant with Ken's child"
There is silence but it is replaced by Ayato's sobbing, Hinami smiles and hugs touka tightly. The youngsters look at each other, "We are going to be uncle and aunt", they say in unison.

Ayato hugs Kaneki, "I am so sorry I dont know what to-",ken laughs
"Its okay, I don't mind. Touka is lucky to have a brother like you and the baby too to have an uncle like you" Ayato smiles
"Lets head out, shall we father of my child ?"
Touka asks with the intention of teasing Ken and she undoubtedly succeeds as they can see a deep red shade on Kaneki's face
"Lets just go", he murmurs clearly embarrassed and they all laugh

They get out through a secret passage and find themselves in the 21st ward, ken tells them to wait there, their curiosity is increasing by the second and after a moment a car stops infront of them, it was a limousine, the door opens and ken tells them to sit inside.

As soon as they enter they neet an old friend
"Bonjour mes amis !!", It was Tsukiyama
"Oh so its him" Touka said to Ayato clearly displeased
"I talked with him prior, Mirumo-san wants us to stay with him"
"We are going to take great care of you", Tsukiyama said delighted to have Kaneki with him
"I am warning you, stay away from him"
Touka scolded knowing his Intention
"This going to be a long stay" hinami said to Ayato and both began to laugh.

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