Chapter 12

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Everyone noticed how kaneki and touka were closer now as ken didn't have his appartment so touka asked him to stay with her and he surprisingly agreed, it was morning and the coffee shop had just opened touka was taking orders while kaneki and nishiki were at the counter making the orders.
Touka called out to kaneki ,"Hey Ken, one cappuccino please", kaneki just replied with 'okay' and nishiki looked like he wanted to ask something but left it for after the shift

Later that day, it was closing time with koma and irimi's shift but ken, touka, nishio, and the manager was there too. Nishiki stopped kaneki who was about to leave, "Hey, leaving already ?"
"Yeah, Its time for hinami's study session, touka will come later"
"Ok by the way I heard you to referring to each other on first name basis, are you to in a relationship ?", Nishiki asked with curiosity
Kaneki nodded with a red tint filling his  cheeks,
"Way to go my man, I am so happy for both of you just wait till Kimi hears about this, she always said that you two would be a cute couple"
"Yeah we haven't met in a while, bring her to the shop sometime"
"Sure I'll bring her tomorrow"
"Okay see you tomorrow, I'm getting late"


*Meanwhile in kaneki and touka's appartment*

Ayato and Hinami were watching tv while drinking coffee, "hey can you skip your studies today ?"
"Why ?" Hinami asked as ayato knew liked studying
"I just wanted to.." ayato got nervous " you know what forget I said anything"
Hinami was filled with curiosity now, " hey tell me I won't bite"
Ayato didn't and and ignored her
"If you don't then I won't talk to you, ever !"
Hinami said faking anger, she knew she couldn't stop talking to him for long.
Ayato gave up , "Okay I'll tell you, I thought maybe you wanted to spend some time together"
"But we are doing it right now, aren't we ?"
"No I meant as in a g...g-going out ?" Ayato hardly could breathe "I mean only if you want to"
"So you want to take me out on a date ?" Hinami wanted to tease him a little
"Ofcourse what else would it be"
"What if those two found out ?"
"I don't care, we aren't doing something wrong anyway. I mean humans our age go out all the time"
"Okay but not today, What about this Saturday ?"

After that kaneki came and started teaching hinami and ayato since they study together now but today kaneki had to go through a lot of trouble since both of them weren't focusing on the studies instead on each other, whispering in between forgetting that kaneki can still hear them which gave kaneki a sign that they were dating each other and he was happy for both of them as they can move forward in their life now from their previous experiences


*Meanwhile in a deserted office in the 20th ward"

Banjou was sitting alone lost in thoughts when Jiro came to check on him but he didn't pay any attention untill she spoke
"You need to be a lot more attentive of your surroundings"
"Oh sorry, I should"
"What are you doing out here ?"
"Nothing just wanted to get my head straight"
"Are you still thinking of her ? I'm sorry"
"No not her I was thinking of how Ken has helped us so much, We owe our lives to him"
"I know, I couldn't even think of someone having such a big heart at this time we live in"
"Hey, can I ask you a question ?"
"Sure, go ahead"
"Why ?" Banjou was trying not to have an emotional breakdown "Why are you and your brothers still with a weakling like me, you could have ran with kaneki back in the 11th ward so why are you still with me ?"
Jiro was surprised he was holding so much inside, so she hugged him tightly "because we care about you, you mean a lot to us so don't think that way of yourself, you can become strong through training too"
"Thank you, I needed that"
"Have you really forgotten about her"
"Yes, I am worried for you three now"
"Why not give me a chance"
"W-what are you talking about ?, Let's just leave a-and why are you still hugging me, you can let go now"
"You know kaneki was also interested in her and he has moved on with ayato's sister why can't you"
"Are you really interested in me in that way ?"
"Why would I ask if I wasn't"
"Okay but don't blame me if you don't like it"
"I will like it, you don't have to worry about it"

*Author's note*
Hey guys I hope you liked the chapter ❤️❤️ as you read it is focused more on the other ships namely ayahina and banjiro,
By the way the latter is really underrated
We'll anyway see you in the next chapter👋👋

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