Chapter 20

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Both Touka and Kaneki were in bed, it was a quiet morning just as they liked. Both of them were awake but silently agreed to continue laying down
Touka held her lover close to her, nose touching the man's cheek.
Kaneki noticed how the easily annoyed tomboy was getting comfortable with intimacy, he couldn't even imagine doing this with a her when they worked at Anteiku but fate works in mysterious ways. He closed his eyes and after a few minutes felt wetness on his right cheek and realized Touka had licked him though they had been very close to each other, it was the firts time she did that.
He slowly turned towards her with a playful smile looking into her eyes as if asking what she is doing, it was common now, them understanding each other without saying a word
Touka got a little embarrased and hid her face in his shoulder, " Hey, when did I say that I didn't like it ?, show me your face", the boy finally said lovingly
"I don't know, I just felt like doing it ok. It was like an urge inside me", Touka said getting flustered.
He didn't want to embarras her more so this time he licked her cheeck and went down to her neck.
"Now you got my face wet you baka", she said faking anger
"Oh, you're face is not the only thing that's wet",he seductivly put his hand between her legs, thankfully they were both in their underwear
"Yeah, Aah w-what are you gonna do about it ?" She said in between her moans

They had just began their intimate session but there was a knock at the door.
"Fuck", Ken cursed as he had to get up and quickly put on a T-shirt and shorts.
He went to the door, it was Ayato
"Sorry to disturb you at this time but we have to head out in a few minutes ?"
"Why ?", Ken asked a little annoyed
It got a little awkward between them as Ayato knew he had disturbed him in a quite private time so to say
"Well, we need to get food with the Tsukiyama hunters", Ayato said avoiding eye contact with the man infront of him.
"Fine, I'm coming down meet me there",with that he went inside to inform his girlfriend.
"Who was it ?", she asked still sitting there half naked
"Ayato, listen I will have to go we will continue this when I get back"
She was not happy at all,
"Those useless bastards can't do a thing on their own, why are they even paying them", she said getting off the bed
"I know right, but it's ok I'll be back as soon as possible", after that he got dressed and kissed his lover goodbye.

He met Ayato dowstairs, "Ok so, we and a few other guys will head towards the 19th ward. The other parties have already left for their locations
By the way you're fine with killing humans or not ?", Ayato asked after informing Kaneki
"If they're doves its fine otherwise you do it", Ken didn't hurt innocents but they would have to, he had a pregnant wife afterall. After Touka's pregnancy Ken put a pause in his plans as his lover and child's safety were more important to him

They reached their destination and started searching the area,
Ayato smelled blood in the air, ghoul blood and signaled for the party to stop and quiten down
"Hey, it's like there's been a fight here
You wanna check it out ?", Ayato whispered to Ken
"Let's go but only the two of us, we can't risk the whole team"
They told the rest of the hunters to stay put and wait for them
Ken and Ayato continue through the tunnels and finally reach the bloodbath, what could be around ten dead bodies were laying about in the tunnel
"What now ?", Kaneki asked aware of his surroundings
"Wait, this smell it's...oh shi-"
The remaining ghouls who were still around came out next to them, it seems they had been searching for them too
as they soon came out of the darkness
Ken saw familiar faces
Banjou, Ichimi, Jiro, Sante, Nishiki and Rio.
The team was runited again, "Hey Ayato, how are you man !?", Rio exclaimed and they rushed to hug each other finally seeing each other after months
Banjou started crying on seeing Ken and tightly hugged him, Nishiki joined in too almost strangling him whilst hugging him.
"Hey guy, what happened here ?",Ken asked the group
"Those dead guys, they're all aogiri members. We were coming through this path and coincidentally encountered each other, bastards recognized us and
attacked us but some Doves arrived here to invesigate probably due to the fight and we retreated these scum got the short end of the stick, see now lifeless on the ground"
"Where are those Doves ?", Ayato asked
"We don't know, they must have left by now"
"Ok let's get out of here fast", Ken said and they went back to the Tsukiyama mansion with the hunters
"So where have you guys been ?", Ayato asked the group
"Well we have been moving from ward to ward, didn't know you were staying at that paycho's place", Nishiki answered
"It's good that we found you guys, how's Touka-san and Hinami ?", Banjou asked
Kaneki smiled a little
"Well, how are they ?", Rio continued
"They're both fine and...", Ayato stopped as he wanted Ken to tell them
"And ?"
"I'm gonna be a dad soon", Kaneki said with happiness clearly visible in his eyes

Everyone went silent, Kaneki looked back and they all looked at him flabbergasted, "Wait what ?"
"I am going to be a dad, Touka's pregnant"
Suddenly the silence was teared apart by chears, Banjou lifted Kaneki in the air and rested him on his shoulders
"I'm so proud of you man, you really have come a long way", Banjou said with tears in his eyes and choking on a sob
"Congratulations Kaneki-san, looks like me and Ayato are going to be uncles soon", Rio said high fiving Ayato and Ken  nodded at them
"Congrats man, when did this happen ?"
Nishiki asked hugging him after Banjou put him down
"Back in Anteiku although she only got the chance to tell me after we moved out", Kaneki replied

They reached the Tsukiyama mansion and Kaneki informed Mirumo of his friends arrival and they got their rooms,
'Tsukiyama-san is very generous, well I did do him a favour but still', Ken thought and took the group to see the girls

Hinami was the one to greet them, "Welcome back Onii-chan, huh-?! Banjou-san, Nishiki you guys are back !!"
She hugged them and hearing the clatter Touka also came out of the room
"You guys !, where have you been ?!", Touka exclaimed
"Well look at you with that baby belly, how are you Touka ? I didn't think you and Kaneki would be planning for kids so soon", Nishiki laughed at her
"Shut up four eyes"
They all group hugged and caught up near the fire place with hot coffee, time flew by and it was almost midnight
They all went to their rooms
"Hey, Touka ?", Ken caller her
"Yes, dear" she turned towards him and he got flustered
"Everything is going good now huh ?"
"Yeah, I'm kinda scared that everything will go upside down again", Touka said looking out the window
"Don't say that, It's going to be ok. I'm here with you right ?",Kaneki reassured her
"Yes dear", Touka replied trying to tease him but it didn't work
"Hey, about you referring to me as 'dear'-", he was cutoff "Do you not like it ?", she asked looking at him
"No it's not that, it's just..."
"What ?"
"The due date is in three and a half months, right ?"
"I want to marry you"
"Huh ?"


Damn, updated the story after a whole year.

See you in the next chapter

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2023 ⏰

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