Chapter 4

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Kaneki and Touka were staring at each other's eyes and there was silence quite like the calm before the storm. Kaneki decided to break the silence, "Hi touka-chan, long time no see" at that Touka lost her composure, "WHAT THE HELL, YOU LEAVE US LIKE THAT AND I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU FOR 7 MONTHS, 7 FUCKING MONTHS AND ALL YOU SAY IS 'Hi'". Kaneki looks at her with sorry eyes, " I know-""you know nothing, you bastard", Kaneki and ayato look at each other and they are both looking genuinely sorry.

"Look Touka, I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you and I left to become stronger and sabotage aogiri, so I can return and we all can live in peace.",Touka looks at him like he had insulted her, "Nobody asked you for it, besides how are going to do that ... by working with my brother, who himself is a part of aogiri", Kaneki doesn't know what to say or even what to do but then he remembers that girl from aogiri who informed the investigators regarding Anteiku and he knows he can't go back now, if he does they will all die including Touka, he can never let that happen

"Come back to us and bring my brother back too, please we miss you",Touka says but 'I' is left unsaid although Kaneki understands what she was trying to say, oh how he wanted to say yes and go back with her and stay with her for as long as he could but fate has different plans in mind. If the incident with the investigators didn't happen he might have said 'I don't know' or even 'yes' but now it is different, "Ayato you can go back if you want but I'm not coming back and quitting my goal, I have to complete it"

That's all it takes she releases everything she has been holding inside her since he first left, "Why, why you fucking bastard, why did you promise me you wouldn't leave just to break it", she was crying now the tears she has been holding back for months all came out.Kaneki was left wide-eyed, he didn't know he had hurt her so much and he lost his guard by trying to go to her so that he could calm her down but she punches him instead, "Don't touch me and don't ever come back, we don't need trash like you at Anteiku", Touka runs away from his hideout towards Anteiku, Ayato comes up to Kaneki and puts his hand on Ken's shoulder, "Hey it's alright, she didn't mean it and will forgive you, I won't be leaving you any time soon" but as soon as Ayato looks at Ken's face, he is shocked find him crying."You are going to Anteiku and you are going to stay with your sister and protect her untill I come back, you understand", Ayato didn't want to go but he knew kaneki and touka had feelings for each other and felt sad that they couldn't be together because of him, so he agrees to go to Anteiku and take care for touka.

Kaneki's group is now one member less, since ayato went away, Rio was still with Kaneki and they went out on a mission to sabotage one of aogiri's out-post and got into combat, everything was going well untill, The Orca (Shachi) arrived and punches tsukiyama straight in the gut and knocks him out, ken and Shachi charge at each other, first fighting with fists then with their kagune. Ken and Shachi had fought before and Shachi came out on top but since then Kaneki had been training vigorously and learning martial arts and this time there's no telling who would win between them.

Kaneki gets a punch in which makes Shachi loose balance and fall, which causes ken to get the advantage and he thrashes Shachi, now that he is in his hold there is no getting up or getting away, he impales him at several places with his kagune essentially trapping shachi and unleashes his kakuja.It seems like ken was going to devour him but just then, the CCG arrives at the outpost. Ken is frustrated he knows who did this, now he realises the whole out-post was bait so he would be out in the open and they can get rid of him. Shachi also realises that he is just a pawn, nothing more for the aogiri tree and he can be sacrificed whenever they want. Kaneki and Shachi look at each other and decide that they were going to get out of here with each other's help, ken releases shachi from his kagune and they position themselves to fight of the group of doves coming, which to their horror is being led by Kishou Arima, the reaper himself.

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