Chapter 11

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*Lemon below*

Ken and touka closed the shop and as soon as they did they continued to cling to each other, messily kissing each other as if they would lose the other only separating for air as they continued to make themselves dizzy and after a few minutes they decided to upstairs.

They went into touka's room, they smiled at each other holding hands and kaneki pushes touka onto the bed, " So finally you decided to take the lead, I thought I would have to " touka whispered seductively as kaneki nudged the side of her neck which caused her to moan, " because I rather be embarassed and spend time with you rather than losing you and regretting that I didn't " ken said as he continued to kiss her, " you have changed so much kaneki, I missed you", he stopped and touka was about to ask him why but kaneki spoke, " hey touka ?",
" Yeah ?",
"I wouldn't mind if you called by my given name from now on"
Touka was left without words and with tears in her eyes, " R-really ?"
"Yes, you mean a lot to me",he said wiping away the rivers of tears now falling down

Ken hurriedly opened the buttons of touka's vest then shirt which only left her in a bra and she started to become embarassed, but ken didn't leave her time to think as he kissed her neck then jawline and continued to go down and tried to remove touka's bra then was helped by her, he kissed her breasts which caused her to moan louder as he started to suck on her nipples , " Aah~, S-st..stop that ", " no, I won't " he lightly bites on one which causes her to latch onto his hair while wailing, ken left her nipples red and erect

He continued down and pulled down her pants and only left her in her panties,
" you're so wet ", he said while rubbing her over her underwear and she was a moaning mess " You c-cau..sed this, bastard ",
" I feel my pants getting tighter "
" So strip, Aah~ w-why am I only naked"
He pulled down her panty as he kissed her, he got up and started to removed his shirt but touka caught him by surprise as she unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants and briefs together, " W-what are you doing ?",
" Time for payback" she said as she held his member which was already erect, she was red as she started to move her hands and he filled up in her hand
"Oh I didn't know it can get any bigger"
"Aah, st-top touka"
" No I won't, isn't that what you said"
"B-but I want to do it "
at this she stopped and became red as a tomato, "okay"

Ken picked up touka bridal style and puts her on the bed as he gets ready, " it's my first time so be gentle, okay ?" touka said embarassed and nervous
"It's mine too so don't be nervous" he said caressing her cheek which made her feel a lot better. Kaneki placed himself between her legs and put his member on her core
"Ready ?", " Yeah"
Ken slowly pushed himself Inside her core both moaning loudly, after a few seconds he was fully inside her, " does it hurt ?" ken asked worried, " not much j-just let me adjust" so he waited for a minute and asked for permission and she nodded, he began slowly thrusting inside her with both of them moaning, touka was hiding her face with her hands but the tears on the side were still visible, " it hurts doesn't it, we should stop"
"No, don't please"
She removed her hands which revealed a smile with tears of joy, " I look so stupid right now" he kissed her hungrily
To ken she looked beautiful as he could see both of her eyes as well as smile, to him she looked like a goddess
"Why are you crying then ?" he asked smiling
" I should ask you that" she wiped his tears which surprised him since he didn't know he was crying
"I feel like my other half is complete now, do you feel the same ken ?"
"That's exactly how I feel right now, Touka"

"Hey, can you say my name ? "
"Ken, ken, ken, ken"
"Touka, touka, touka, touka"
They were repeating each other's name like a mantra as they were about to finish
" I'm gonna pull out now " he sait he was going to release
" No you won't" she locked her legs behind him
"Touka that's risky, what if you get preg-"
"We'll think about it when it happens, eitherway I wouldn't mind having it if it's yours", both of them were flushed and ken couldn't hold it anymore so he started thrusting wildly as they moaned loudly and both of them finished as ken released his seed deep inside her and they both felt sated, complete. They clung to each other for warmth and both fell asleep.

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