Chapter 5

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Thank you so much for 130+ reads, I appreciate your support. So for all of you a longer chapter❤️❤️❤️


Kaneki and Shachi were face to face with the ccg's reaper himself, accompanied by the 0-squad(Arima squad) consisting of the most capable investigators with each member having himself tales of valiance, courage and glory. Ken had already sent away his group from the outpost thinking that if he were to die, he could atleast save his companion's lives. Shachi looked at Kaneki and then at Arima, "don't make the mistake of taking him lightly, he could kill in an instant", Kaneki laughed, it was hysterical laughter he knew he had little to no chance of getting out alive, "I will try my best".

The battle began as ken and Shachi charged towards different directions and then attacked Arima together but their joint attack was foiled by Arima as he one-handedly blocked their strikes alone untill his squad charged at the two of them and they had to retreat, it was very difficult to fight Arima together in addition, his squad was there to foil their attempts which made it impossible.

Ken and Shachi decided that they will deal with the squad first, ken slams his kagune on the ground with all the force he can muster which causes concrete dust flying everywhere and blocks their vision. They both knew they only have a few seconds, while everyone's vision was blocked in the cloud of dust ghouls also have a sense of smell far superior than humans and taking that advantage shachi charges in the dust and one by one attacks and kills all the squad member as they couldn't see where the attacks were coming from which leads to their deaths.

The dust settles and there are only three people left namely ken, shachi and the reaper. For an instant there is shock visible on Arima's expression but it soon fades and he returns to his emotionless state, now the fighting begins again with both of the ghouls charging at the special investigator and continuously attacking from different directions but to no avail, Arima is still blocking them off easily and after minutes of endless battle they are starting to get exhausted because they have been using their kagune for hours now, first fighting each other and then the doves but they look at Arima and he still looks more than fine.

They decide it's time to retreat as there's only one investigator and he wouldn't be as fast as them and it's better to use the stamina they have left for pulling out instead of dying here in vain but they were as wrong as they could be. The moment they start fleeing Arima gives chase and he catches them easily, they think he is too fast for a human but then they realize 'is he even human', they continue running and Arima slashes his quinque Narukami towards kaneki but shachi comes and saves him, getting a deep cut on his shoulder and chest in the process.

Ken is left wide-eyed, shachi saved him and now he decides he is going to save shachi so he slams his kagune to the ground a second time with even more force which causes a explosion like sound and a huge dust cloud is formed which helps ken to carry shachi in one of the rooms of the hideout, shachi says, "young man, why did you not escape when you had the chance you don't have any reason to protect me, so leave while you can"
"The same can be said for you why did you save me kamishiro-san, you could've escaped too"
"Please don't waste any time, I am a lost cause. I am losing blood fast, I would only slow you down. So just run before he finds us"
"I am going to kill him, so don't worry", at that shachi holds Ken's shoulders and closes his eyes
"You are too exhausted you need to feed on me to defeat the reaper, it will develope your kakuja too and you can become stronger".

If ken was shocked before, he was speechless now he could only stare at shachi with wide eyes, " listen to me young man, I may have lost my daughter but you have a part of her inside you, I know and I do not hold a grudge against you because it wasn't your mistake. If you get out of here alive, I will think my daughter is still alive in you so please I beg of you to fulfill my last wish", shachi was in tears and only wheezed the last part out, Ken was also in tears but he was going to fulfill his last wish.

Arima after searching for them in the whole building reaches the basement and he can hear crunching noises, he slowly takes steps down the stairs and opens the door which gives a loud creaking sound signifying it's very old and worn out. Inside the room is Kaneki with the centipede mask now covering all of his face, armor like scales on his shoulder and forearms, claws coming out his fingers and two centipede tails coming out of his back with his rinkaku kagune and beside him is shachi, half devoured and in a lifeless state.

The fighting begins with arima and ken exchanging blows, ken was mindless now attacking arima unevenly and without any second thought, and arima was blocking him but just barely. This goes on for a few minutes and arima is the one getting exhausted now and thinks that it's time to finish this, he slashes at Ken's shoulder breaking the Armor but the blow isn't deep and the quinque gets stuck and doesn't come out and ken on the other is continuously attacking arima which he is just dodging but one slash from ken reaches its mark and arima's cheek gets a large cut reaching from his head to his chin, this causes blood to pour out and makes difficult for arima to see as the blood was blocking his vision.

Arima's quinque Narukami gets broken so he pulls out IXA and the fight continues with each of them slashing at each other and blocking the other's attacks. Arima slashes ken's right arm off which causes ken to fall on the ground and arima is hovering above him, he sees himself at Anteiku teaching Himani new words, serving coffee and spending time with touka and going to karaoke with hide, he remembers Koma, Irimi and the the manager, Yoshimura and how they helped him numerous times. Now he knows his mistake and wants to go back but he can't now that he is about to die. 'No, I won't die, I will survive, I have to return' and with his remaining strength ken pushed himself and evades a fatal blow to the head, releases his kagune decapitating arima and devours him to heal himself and passes out after having a few bites.

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