Chapter 14

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They had decided to leave the 20th ward in search of safety but had to say goodbye to loved ones. So Ken, Touka, Ayato, Hinami and Yomo were headed out of the 20th ward
through the underground path which they didn't like a bit because it reeked, there was darkness every where the eye could see and it was weirdly wet.

Thinking that they were alone down there was their mistake as hinami could sense a presence about ten metres away from them,
"Hey, I feel someone's presence infront of us !' she said alerting everyone
"Everyone stop right here" touka said as ken yelled at the presence "Who is there ?"
The presence rushes towards them while they prepare their guard to face whoever's coming but whoever it was stopped infront of them

When they come in visibility it was revealed that they were a ghoul from the black dobers, she was hurt and they helped her
"What happened ?"
She found it hard to breathe, "There are doves here, I don't know how they found this place so keep your voices down"
she wheezed out

She joined them and they quietly made their way through the path to avoid unnecessary attention and almost made it out of there with only encountering a few doves which they made short work of. They heard something fall and they looked around and found that their recently met companion's head had been decapitated. the doves were here

it was a group of them with their leader having black bowl cut hair and he looked like he wanted revenge, his subordinates revealed his name to be Ui and without an exchange of words the fighting had began with the dove swinging his halberd like quinque called taruhi at ken who just dodged it and released his kagune and started attacking back seeing this Yomo and Touka were surprised that ken wasn't afraid of hurting the dove, honestly they were a bit happy too. They got into combat, fortunately there were only a handful of investigators but they were strong

Kaneki continued to block Ui's attacks but like the fight with Arima wasn't able to get any good attacks in, truth be told he thought that his fighting style was like Arima, too much like Arima on the other hand the others were having difficulties with the doves. Touka was placed against a koukaku dual wielder who she wasn't able to breakthrough even with help of Ayato and Yomo it was proving to be difficult not to mention his partner who was wielding a rinkaku had them dodging unpredictable attacks, together the two of them were impossible to win against. There were only three investigators but they had the upperhand, for now

ken had learnt a few tricks when he was gone, "What was Arima to you ?", this got the attention of Ui as he charged at him blinded by complete rage and ken got ready to strike and was able to get one hit right at his shoulder which made a laceration
"You are the one aren't you ?, The one who killed special investigator Arima Kishou you man-eater I'm going to kill you Mukade!!"

While all of this was going on Hinami was in the back watching to afraid to fight, she remembered the time when her mother lost her life, that sight was stuck in her mind. Yomo, Touka and Ayato were getting worn out dodging the attacks while failing to fight back, Hinami closed her eyes as tears came out 'how many people will I lose ?' she thought trying not cry. She heard her mother's voice, "Hinami, why are you crying ?"
"Mom ?, I'm scared you left me already now I'm going to lose my onee-chan, onii-san and Ayato too"
"Then fight"
"You know I can't hurt anyone"
"Dear listen to me, you don't fight to hurt others you fight to protect your loved ones just like your Kaneki Onii-san, so are you going to save them or are you going to leave the fighting to them"
"I'm going to save them"
Hinami got up ran towards the doves while they were focused on fighting the others and released her chimera kagune when she got behind them and charged into the rinkaku wielder he tried to attack her but before that she impaled his chest which caused him to throw up blood and fall.

Everyone's eyes widened and they lost words when they witnessed hinami kill the investigator and taking the advantage Yomo pierced the other investigator with his ukaku, Now Ui stood alone but didn't lose hope while he fought Ken. Yomo told Ayato, Hinami and Touka to leave so they reluctantly agreed and left as Yomo rushed to Ken's aid and they continued to fight but their fight was cut short as Aogiri tree's members arrived there leaded by Tatara, one of the king's direct subordinate, Ui knew it was time to leave so he retreated while he still had the time with minor wounds. Ken was tired and so was Yomo, they knew they couldn't beat them, Kaneki couldn't trigger his Kakuja as he had not cannibalized on any ghoul in a while and his RC count was lower than usual.

Yomo put his hand on Ken's shoulder, "It's time for you to leave" he said looking softer than he usually does
"What are you talking about let's run together, I can't leave you here"
"You know we can't, we're exhausted we have been fighting for almost half an hour"
"What Am I going to say to Touka if I leave you here, You go I'll stay"
"No what will I say to her if I leave you here, don't make it hard for me. I'm just her awkward uncle, She looks at you as her mother looked at her father she will be heartbroken if she found out you died. Thank you Ken even when you were human you avenged my sister, you accepted Touka as she is. Now you must leave"
Kaneki felt like dying right then and there, how many people has he got to say last goodbyes to, how many people is he going to lose but he knew that he had to keep going for touka for their family so he decided to leave.
"Please take care of them and protect them" he said accepting his fate
"You don't have to say it, they are my family"

The ghouls chased after Ken only to be cut down one by one by Yomo he fought valiantly so much so that Tatara himself had to enter the fight after a few minutes he was down bleeding and panting, waiting to be finished but he wasn't instead he was carried of to somewhere before he lost consciousness

On the other hand Ken had made out of the path to where Touka, Ayato and Hinami were waiting for him. Ken came to her tears in his eyes and Touka understood what it meant without either of them saying a word Touka started crying too and Ken hugged her tightly, "I'm sorry"
"It's not your fault"
seeing this Ayato broke down, his uncle who had taken care of him for so long had left him, Hinami was crying too but this time she was the one to hug him and calm him down, caressing his hair. Kaneki took all of them in a tight group hug, "I'm going to protect you all, you mean everything to me"


Yomo woke up to find himself submerged in some kind of liquid in a chamber and surrounding him were a lot of scientists who were studying him

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