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The next few days of staying at home was tedious and repetitive. I let Jimmy start doing minimal activities with his ankle, being careful not to push it too far. Even though Jimmy was handling it well, he was still in a lot of pain. The right movement in the wrong direction and he was doubled over in immense pain. All in all, things were going pretty smoothly though as far as getting Jimmy on the road to recovery.

Today Jimmy and I had to go to Levi's and meet with a doctor to discuss his rehab plans. I was hoping that this meeting would be quick and easy so Jimmy could jump right into rehab as soon as possible.

"How're you feeling today babe?" I asked my handsome and hurt boyfriend as he carefully slipped on his shoes.

"Pretty good, I can't wait to get out of the house and get into rehab." Jimmy answered with his signature smile.

"You know what I love about you James?" I asked Jimmy sweetly as I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Oh do tell baby." Jimmy replied with a playful smile.

"Without fail you're always wearing that gorgeous, charming, and sexy smile of yours." I replied with a smile, making Jimmy chuckle.

"Ya gotta enjoy life baby, otherwise what's the point?" Jimmy stated with a smile.

"I don't know, I just really love your smile." I said playfully before Jimmy leaned down to kiss my lips sweetly.

"And I just really love kissing you." Jimmy said softly after our delicious kiss.

"You ready to get going?" I asked Jimmy with a smile as he nodded in response.

"Yeah baby, let's do this." Jimmy said sounding excited. At this point Jimmy could walk on his own without assistance, but he couldn't stay on his feet for too long without at least a short break.

When the two of us got to Levi's stadium, Jimmy and I went straight out onto the field to check in with Shanahan. As soon as the team saw Jimmy and I back in the stadium they began cheering, making us both laugh.

"Ay, there he is!" George yelled happily.

"Jimmer, how's the ankle?" Fred asked Jimmy curiously, sounding happy to see him.

"Eh it's alright, we're gettin there." Jimmy replied with a smile as Shanahan approached us.

"Jimmy, nice to see you upright and walking again." Shanahan said with a smile before looking over at me. "How's he been Camila?" Shanahan asked me curiously.

"He's been good, but I still can't give you a time frame for when he'll be back. When we start rehab I'll have a better idea." I answered Shanahan as he nodded in understanding.

"Alright, sounds good. Make sure to check in with me every so often Jimmy, I wanna know how you're doing." Shanahan stated before walking back to mid field to continue coaching.

"Jim, please come back.. I miss you." George begged, causing Jimmy to chuckle.

"I'm workin' on it, I'll be back soon don't worry." Jimmy replied with a smile as Claire came up to Jimmy, George, and I with a wide smile plastered across her face. Claire and I hadn't spoken since she and Fred announced on Instagram that they were a couple.

"Nice to see the happy couple again, how are ya Jimmy?" Claire asked Jimmy sweetly.

"I'm alright, how are you and Fred?" Jimmy teased, making George and I snicker.

"We're good." Claire responded with a smile as Fred walked past her. "Right babe?" Claire said rather loudly, getting Fred's attention.

"Whatchu talkin' about over here girl?" Fred asked Claire playfully before they quickly kissed one another on the lips.

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