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The entire team had such a blast at Kiara and George's wedding a week ago in Italy

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The entire team had such a blast at Kiara and George's wedding a week ago in Italy. After that day we all decided to start spending more time together outside of football.

I had the next month or so until Shanahan wanted to start planning for the new season. After the upsetting loss in Miami I knew Shanahan and this whole team was chomping at the bit to get back out there. The fight was on, and I knew this team wanted nothing more than to prove themselves.

Jimmy still spent a portion of his days working out, making sure he stays in shape because of me of course. My modeling career had taken off suddenly like never before, I had gigs rolling in every week but I always made sure it didn't take over all my free time.

When the both of us had free time, Jimmy and I spent it together having the time of our lives. We spent countless days at the beach, exploring the city, or just spending time with the rest of the team. The whole team quickly became a family. We all genuinely loved spending time together, it helped everyone get back into a positive mindset before the upcoming season.

Jimmy and I were doing better than ever. I was so happy and so in love, I felt so thankful to have such a sweet, loving, and handsome boyfriend. I've loved Jimmy ever since we were little kids growing up, being with Jimmy had been a dream of mine for as long as I could remember. Now I was lucky enough to say that it wasn't just a dream anymore, it was reality. I felt like the luckiest girl in the entire world, I had my dream job and my dream guy. My life couldn't get any better.

"What're you thinking about?" Jimmy asked me softly, suddenly interrupting my thoughts as he kissed my cheek.

We were sitting on the couch, snuggled up together watching TV. As Jimmy pulled me away from my thoughts I turned to look him in the eyes and smiled.

"How amazing my life is with you." I answered Jimmy with a wide smile. Jimmy smiled happily at my answer while slowly leaning in towards me.

"Oh yeah?" Jimmy asked me playfully, stopping when our faces were just inches apart.

"I still can't believe that after all these years the hot and famous Jimmy G chose me." I stated playfully causing Jimmy to chuckle at my word choice.

"Hot and famous huh?" Jimmy asked me playfully with a wide smile as he put his hand on my cheek and ran his fingertips down my neck.

"Well you are." I stated honestly with a smile.

"Glad you think so, your opinion is the only one that matters to me." Jimmy whispered sweetly before leaning in to kiss me. As soon as our lips touched, our tongues met. I instinctively laid down on the couch as Jimmy hovered over top of me, kissing me passionately.

"Hey Jim, you wanna- Woah!" George shouted as he walked into the living room wide eyed. Jimmy immediately got off of me and sat up, looking at George.

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