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Camila's POV:

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Camila's POV:

Ever since my very first day in Paris I've been going nonstop. I was so exhausted from doing photoshoot after photoshoot every single day. I barely had time to pee, sleep, or think for myself.

For some reason I've just been feeling extremely off these past couple weeks. I felt far more tired than ever before, I felt extremely nauseous at some points, and I felt bloated all the time.

I figured I was just home sick and having a bad reaction from being away from home for so long. Whatever the reason, I was glad to be heading home soon.

Don't get me wrong I was having fun modeling in Paris, but I was physically and mentally exhausted. Never once did I get a break from the hectic and grueling schedule.

I was beyond excited to leave Paris and come home back to San Francisco today. I couldn't wait to see Jimmy and give him lots of hugs and kisses, I also couldn't wait to see Claire, Kiara, and the rest of the team. I missed everyone and I missed football.

Today I had just one final photoshoot before I had to catch my flight back to San Francisco. I packed all my clothes and belongings and took my suitcase right to my photoshoot so I could go straight to the airport from here when I was finished.

This city was gorgeous and amazing, but I was honestly over it and ready to be back home.

During my entire photoshoot I couldn't focus, I was just so excited to finally come home. After just a few hours the photographer was done, he got the shots he needed and I was finally headed to the airport.

When I got to the airport I waited another few hours before I could actually board the plane, and now I have to be on the plane for tweleve hours before getting to San Francisco. As I boarded the plane I searched for my seat and put my bag in the compartment above me before sitting in my seat.

Since I had a long flight ahead of me I reclined my seat, pulled out my phone, and began going through my text messages. I texted Kiara, Claire, and Jimmy telling them I was on my way before I went onto instagram to pass the time.

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