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Last night I could barely sleep, all I could think about was Jimmy, our baby, and what I should do moving forward

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Last night I could barely sleep, all I could think about was Jimmy, our baby, and what I should do moving forward. After countless hours of no sleep I couldn't come up with a good answer, so instead of figuring it all out I came to the conclusion that I should just live my life day by day and focus on work, myself, my baby, and nothing else.

I woke up bright and early with a solid plan for my day, given that it's my second day home from Paris and Shanahan wanted me back to work this week I decided on heading to Levi's Stadium. I was planning to meet with Shanahan and talk about what he wanted me to start doing as far as preparation for the upcoming season goes.

Once I was awake I start getting ready for the day. I hopped in the shower and put on my typical active wear work outfit. I felt excited to be heading back to Levi's for the first time in a while, I was so ready to start this season with our boys.

I knew this season was gonna look a lot different than last due to the fact we're missing some guys. Joe Staley retired, and Deforest was traded to Indianapolis. I just couldn't wait to deal with Claire, I'm sure she's an absolute mess. Superbowl LIV was a moment none of us will forget, and this season regardless of our roster, we still had a point to prove.

When I got dressed and put together I exited my bedroom and headed down stairs to grab an on the go granola bar for breakfast. Not having Jimmy in the house or in my bed to wake up next to made me sad, but I knew it was a feeling I had to get used to.

When I entered the kitchen Kiara was sitting at the table eating breakfast while scrolling through her phone. Once she saw me Kiara immediately spoke.

"Good morning Mila, how're you feeling?" Kiara asked me with a sweet smile.

"Shitty I barely slept last night, all I could do was think and cry." I answered Kiara honestly trying not to make a bigger deal out of the situation.

"Oh sweetie.. I'm so sorry, It'll get better." Kiara reassured me with a warm smile. I smiled back at her slightly before replying.

"I hope so." I answered before I spoke again. "I'm heading to Levi's today to get back to work and fill Shanahan in about my.. situation." I stated before looking over at Kiara.

"Okay babe, I'll be here when you come home." Kiara informed me sweetly. I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge before grabbing my things and heading out the door.

"Okay, I'll see you later." I said happily as I exited our house through the front door and got in my car that sat in the driveway. I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Shanahan to let him know I was coming to Levi's today, I immediately got a response back.

 I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Shanahan to let him know I was coming to Levi's today, I immediately got a response back

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