a daunting delivery

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one shot: anne has a difficult delivery, hospital visits from friends and lots of sappy gil ! enjoy !

( this is originally from my other book but i'm posting it here too !

also : jane & roy are a couple and roy is not a jerk, but a very close friend of the blythes! )

from anne to gilbert

anne-girl gil this baby is coming now

anne-girl i know you're not supposed to be back for another week and i'm trying so hard to delay it but i don't think i can any longer, it hurts so bad

gil shoot okay

gil please go to the hospital immediately

gil have di take you, facetime me the whole way so i can see you okay? i'm taking the next flight back.

anne-girl okay calling now

"gil?? crap!" she shrieked and he watched the phone fall onto the floor. his heart was racing harder then he had ever experienced. he was extremely worried.

"anne?! anne, what happened?? diana?! jane?! would somebody tell me what's happening??" in the background he could hear frantic hushed voices and footsteps pacing the floor.

"shoot, diana we need to get her to the hospital. now." it was jane, she sounded worried.

"okay anne i'm going to help you into the car okay? you need to calm down! take deep breaths please."

jane picked up the phone from the ground and held it close to her, her face was paler then he'd ever seen and she looked terrified.

"jane what in the world just happened?"

"her- her water broke but..." she was pacing now. "gilbert it doesn't look normal." not that she'd seen many waters break but she did have a general idea of what they should look like, or more importantly what they shouldn't.

"what do you mean jane? jane? for heavens sake stop pacing and tell me why it doesn't look normal!" he was getting impatient as he watched the phone shake with her fingers.

he heard a voice call urgently from the car. "gilbert, i have to go."

"no! jane! keep me on the line!"

"no. i have to go now"

the screen went black and his heart plummeted into his stomach. what the hell had happened?!

he got an emergency charter plane through the hospital, he'd be there in less then two hours but his heart wouldn't slow down. so much could happen in two hours.


he ended up shoving past a couple of his own colleagues on his run through the silent halls of the hospital. the fluorescent lights flickered ever so slightly with each click of his heal on the linoleum floors, he was racing against time.

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