hello, again

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One shot: Anne and Gil never found each other that fateful day in Charlottetown. What would
happen if they met again after not seeing each other for so long?

Or: Anne and Gilbert reconnect in Trinidad after not seeing each other for eleven years, resulting in a lot of fluff and a couple long over due declarations.

Things to know:

- Anne is 27
- Gil is 29
- It's been 11 years since they've last seen each other
- Anne is a writer, and Gilbert is a Doctor.
- Neither ever married.

Hope you enjoy this long one! 💞

The sun rose through the palm trees, leaving a golden glitter shimmering against the white sand of the Trinidadian beach. The crystal like waves floated in and out of the shore peacefully, bringing along with them the beautiful white noise of the sea. On the horizon was an arrangement of purple and pinks, cast by the rising sun, and blended ever so slightly by the fluffy clouds that peppered the sky.

Gilbert had just arrived on the island aboard the steamboat as the sun peaked from the land's edge. He admired the glittering water and thick green jungles that could already be seen from the boat's port, it reminded him of the time all those years ago he had come to this same port and admired the view. Except, last time his mind was clouded with the thought that someone else would have enjoyed it much more than he had.

This trip, unlike the other, was purely vacationary. If he was being honest, he hadn't stopped working from the second he became a doctor almost 8 years ago. Even before that, he had spent every minute of every day studying. With good reason, Bash forced him to take some time to clear his head, which he was outwardly opposed to, but inwardly thankful to have some time to stop and think.

He strode through the dusty roads of the market, which was bustling with life and color. His nose was stuffed full of delicious smells, and the cool fresh air calmed his ever-busy mind.

"Mangos, mangos! Come get the freshest mangos on the island here!" Beckoned a male voice, thick with the smooth accent indigenous to the island.

Gilbert couldn't help but remember the days he spent with Bash here, raving about the sweetness of this tropical fruit. His nostalgia carried him right over to the man, where he purchased a large, ripe mango ( for probably much more than the normal cost, considering he was a tourist, and very much looked the part ).

Biting into it was like hugging a childhood friend. The tang and sweetness caressed his taste buds, leaving him smiling with delight.

He continued on the dirt road, passed basket weavers, dress makers, cooks and freshly caught fish being roasted above fires by their captors. He proceeded to munch on the yellowy fruit while he strolled down the lane towards his little motel.

His mind was at ease for the first time in 10 years; no dying patients, no screaming children, no pressure to do and be perfect, just the breeze and his own thoughts. He was admiring the brilliance of the blue in the sky when his thoughts were abruptly broken by a scream.

"AHHHH" a shrill voice echoed through the lane, followed by a second voice calling for help.

"HELP! Help! Does anyone know where a doctor is?! We need a doctor!" The voice sounded panicked, but also strangely familiar. He brushed it off as he ran towards the plea for help.

He found two women, one with deep elegant caramel skin, tight curly black hair, and very clearly in distress. The other had smooth milky skin, peppered with freckles and deep auburn locks that fell into soft curls on her back.

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