a little too much wine

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one shot: anne gets drunk with diana and ruby, and gilbert takes care of her.

"i- i think we had a liiitttttleee too much wine" diana stuttered as the three girls sauntered out of the bar.

ruby threw her arms in the air and laughed, "oh how our husbands would laugh if they knew!"

anne shook her head dramatically, "gil would never."

"non sense! he'd laugh the most!!" diana objected,

just then a group of three men came walking towards them looking very amused.

"ladies," moody held in a laugh as ruby ran towards him and threw her arms over his neck.
she buried her head in his chest and sighed.

"oh my dear! you are here, how fantastical — that's a word anne uses a lot— we were just enjoying a perfectly charming evening! oh isn't it wonderful?!" she laughed and spun around in the moon light, occasionally hiccuping through her speech.

moody glanced at gilbert and shared an amused expression. "oh it is quite wonderful, i wonder how beautiful the lane to our house would be in the moonlight?"

ruby gasped, "yes! i'm sure it is! oh my! we must see it immediately!" she grabbed his arm and tugged him away, leaving two smirking men behind, who were watching as their drunken wives did some friendship vow together.

when they finished diana turned to fred, "oh! fred, you're here! well isn't that just glorious anne?!" anne nodded quickly, "my mr wright." the two women laughed uncontrollably at her very mediocre joke.

fred convinced diana to come home and get some water in her system, leaving anne and gilbert to walk home alone.

anne walked on the edge of the sidewalk with her arms spread out on either side, "if only i could be a goose!" she sighed dreamily, "then i could go anywhere!"

gilbert chuckled softly and held her hand for extra balance, "oh but darling, i would be so sad to see you go!" he played along, acting hurt,

her face grew gravely concerned and she stopped abruptly, whipping her body towards his. "but geese mate for life gil! if i were a goose and flew away, you'd be right with me!" she tried to reassure.

he forced his smile to not unearth and downturned his face, "well of course geese mate for life, but if you were the only one who became a goose it'd be rather impractical for me to accompany you for life, considering a human/goose relationship can really only go so far—" he teased.

when he looked over he saw small tears running down her cheeks and almost barked a laugh, but hid it and gently touched her cheek, prodding her to talk.

"oh gil i could never leave you! i'm so sorry i ever had the thought! you must hate me" she broke into a sob and his eyes widened, suddenly feeling bad for taking advantage of her vulnerable state.

"my love, i was only kidding. if you ever decided to become a goose i would be right up there with you, you're not getting rid of me that easily." he kissed her forehead and smiled as they continued their walk.

anne stumbled the entire way home but managed not to fall, most likely due to the observant and cautious man guiding her every move. when they arrived at their doorstep anne paused and turned to face gilbert.

she brought her hands up and grabbed his cheeks, squishing his face together and making her smile. "you are rather dashing you know?" she tilted her head at him, as if examining his face further. "it's rather frustrating."

he chuckled through his smooshed face, "frustrating?"

she crinkled her nose up and sighed, using her hands to turn his face at every angle, "very much so, just look at you! you are the most handsome man i've ever seen and you just are that way! how?!" she demanded.

he took her hands off his cheeks and kissed them softly, "i suppose beauty rubs off on people, and i'm not sure if you were aware but i have the privilege of spending my days with the most beautiful creature that has ever walked the planet" she nodded and thought for a second,

"i suppose beauty can rub off on someone, but who in the world are you speaking of?! unless this is my drunken mind speaking i could've sworn you spend a fair amount of time with me , not some beautiful dryad." her face wrinkled in confusion and he shook his head, amused.

"anne-girl, you are my beautiful dryad, as well as my precious fairy queen, my forever love, and my dream come true." he kissed her hair and went to open their door, leaving her gawking at the stars.

he walked in the house and suddenly he heard angry footsteps rush toward him. "how dare you say those things about me! you know i can't take compliments!" anne was always extra exasperated when she was intoxicated.

he smiled and nodded solemnly, "i am truly sorry for any inconvenience my praises have caused you."

she crossed her arms over her chest, "good."

after anne had drank some water and eaten some left overs, the two headed up to bed. anne was slightly more sober but still very much drunken.

she started to cry silently, reminding gilbert of her constant vulnerability when she was sobering up. she usually cried and cried and longed for his comfort more then normal, which he was all to happy to give.

he turned to her and stroked her cheek softly. "what's wrong baby?"

she choked on a sob and sighed, "i love you so much."

he rested his forehead against hers, "i love you so much too. sometimes i wonder if anyone has ever loved anybody as much as i love you." he confesses quietly.

tears dropped slowly down her cheeks, "i want to be mrs. blythe for the rest of my days."

"as i want to be mr shirley-cuthbert" he responded cheekily.

"you silly man." she swatted his arm and laughed.

her head found its place on his chest as she mumbled her last 'i love you' s and 'goodnight' s.

he grinned up at the ceiling after she fell asleep and thanked the God above that he gets to be the one to take care of her when she's had a "little too much wine".

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