i think i'm in love

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one shot: Anne has a problem that may or may not include her feelings for a certain hazel eyed boy. (modern au)

"DIANA!?" Anne burst through Diana's door in a huff. "Diana I need you URGENTLY."

Diana looked up from her phone and sat up on her bed, "Whats up?"

Anne dropped on her bed dramatically and sighed, "I have a problem that rivals all problems I've ever had."

Diana looked at her unconvinced, Anne had a tendency to be a tad over dramatic. "Let's hear it"

"I think I'm in love." Anne turned to look at her with wide eyes.

"In love?! With who?! How do you know?!"

Anne sat up quickly, shoved her head in her hands, and groaned loudly "oh I don't know diana! How do you tell?! And what if it's all stupid hormones and not love? How do I decipher that?! I wish I could just curl up in a ball and hide forever."

"A, I'm sure you don't mean that! Now tell me who so I can help!" Diana pleaded, although she was sure she already knew.

Anne buried her face in a pillow "I couldn't possibly tell you. It's too humiliating." She mumbled into the fabric.

Diana moved to sit next to her and rubbed her shoulder gently, "come on Anne, I won't judge, and I can't help if I don't know who."

"ithinkiminlovewithgilbertblythe" Anne said quickly.

A triumphant grin rose on Diana's face as she bit her lip "I'm sorry, what did you say dear?" She asked innocently, she was going to make Anne say.

"I'm- in love with-" she groaned again.

"Oh do go on" Diana raised a brow tauntingly.

Anne lifted her head to meet Diana's eyes and glared at her, "Fine, i think I'm in love with Gilbert Blythe. There I said it." She shoved her head back into the pillow.

"There ya go"

"Oh diana it's so humiliating. Isn't it?! I mean every girl in school is in love with him and now I'm just the average girl who feel in love with the golden boy!! Ugghhhhhhhhhhhh"

"Anne why do you think you're in love with him?"

"I don't know how to describe it. It's like... I'm home? When I'm with him it's so comfortable... like I've know him my whole life. His stupid smile makes my stomach ache and churn. My toes curl when I hear his laugh. And I get this warm feeling when he looks into my eyes, I swear he feels it too because he gazes at me like no one ever has before. He understands me more then anyone else and I understand him." She sighed, annoyed at herself. "And I hate that I'm saying this... but he's so- so-"

"Attractive?" Diana teased and Anne rolled her eyes.

"Yes, well, I was going to say beautiful but attractive works too. It's not just his looks that are attractive— although yes I'll admit his looks are most definitely not bad— but his heart is. He gets so passionate about helping people and he's so loyal and kind to everyone. And the way he dotes over delly makes my heart literally swell. He's been nothing but kind to me since the day we met and I just— urgh"

Diana laid down next to Anne and stared at the ceiling, deep in thought, and somewhat surprised about the extent of her best friend's feelings.

"I don't have a lot of experience..." she began, "but it sounds like you are unequivocally in love with Gilbert. And although I've never heard it from him, I believe he reciprocates your feelings ten fold."

Anne sighed and turned to look up at the ceiling as well, "really?"

"I've never doubted his love for you, nor yours for him. It's was inevitable." She smiled brightly, "I knew it from the beginning!"

"You troll!" She wacked Diana's arm, and then paused, "Okay so.. I love Gilbert. Wow, wasn't expecting that."

"You were the only one" Diana mumbled.

"You are the worst."

"You love me though"

"Of course I do"

Diana shot up dramatically, "I bet he's an amazing kisser!" She laughed,

Anne blushed, "I hate you."

"No, you just love me less then GILBERT",

"I'm never living this down am I?"

Diana smiled, "Oh never"

"Perfect." Anne groaned sarcastically.

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