our house of dreams

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One shot: Anne and Gilbert talk about, and find their very own house of dreams ✨

  Anne laid, sprawled across her bed staring at the ceiling lost in thought as usual. Gilbert walked in from the kitchen and noticed his wife deep in thought. He jumped onto the bed beside her, knocking her out of her day dream and causing her to let out a cheerful giggle

" What's consuming your thoughts today, Mrs. Blythe?" Gilbert asked with a smirk. Even though he and Anne had been married for 8 months now, he still jumped at the chance to use the term "Mrs Blythe" as often as he possibly could, still in disbelief he actually got to marry the girl of his dreams.

" Well Mr. Blythe..." Anne chuckled  "I was just imagining my house of dreams" she said dreamily.

Anne and Gilbert had been living in a small apartment since returning from their honeymoon and Anne was ready to move to a more permanent space.

"Tell me all about it" Gilbert said, laying his head in her lap. He feels he could to listen to her talk, for the rest of eternity and never get tired of it.

Anne giggled and started to run her hands softly through his untamed curls, twisting them around her frail fingers "well, first of all it would have to be near some sort of flower field, to run and dance through, there's just something so perfectly peaceful about knowing that there is a place to run and frolic so close dont you think?" Gilbert nodded in agreement with a smile playing on his face " i would also just adore to have land, a place where our children can explore and use their imagination, and run freely and carelessly through." " and it would be a dream to be able to see the sunset among large hills, and have somewhere where we can sit and relish in its beauty every evening"

"What about the house itself?" Gilbert asked curiously

"I guess I haven't thought much about the house itself, I believe we can make anything home no matter what it looks like, as long as we are together." She smiled down at him "All I wish for is lots of scope for the imagination for our kids so they can be free to explore and dream" Anne replied and kissed his forehead sweetly. " what about you? What is YOUR house of dreams?"

"Mine? Oh... well, I don't really care where we are as long as you are there next to me, I'm living my dream." a smile crept onto his face "you are my greatest dream come true" he planted a small kiss on her cheek and stood up, extending his hand to her pulling her off the bed " let's go find that house of dreams" Gilbert said excitedly pulling Anne out the door

"But gil!!!!" Anne breathed "I'm not ready!"She  huffed through her laughter pulling back harshly on his arm

Gilbert turned on his heal and scanned her appearance. She was wearing a big grey knit sweater with some charcoal leggings and her fiery hair was thrown messily in a big bun collecting at the top of her head. How can she be this gorgeous without even getting ready? He thought " you look absolutely perfect, carrots! now let's go!" Anne rolled her eyes and followed him out the door, but not before swiftly grabbing her makeup bag from the counter, i guess I'll do it in the car she thought, while laughing trying to keep up with her husband as he skipped down the driveway.


After spending their entire day walking through different homes, none of which were anything like what they were looking for, Gilbert stumbled upon a flyer for a house just outside of town. They decided that they might as well take a look at it considering they were already near by, and on a roll looking at all of these houses.


They drove up a long and ruff gravel path before stopping the car and getting out to reveal a big barn- like house resting on top of a small hill.

It was white with black trim, it was old, but very beautiful. It had a gorgeous wrap around porch,with yellow lights strung softly from the top, illuminating the area with its warm light. Surrounding the steps up to the house were thick bushes dense with ruby red roses blooming beautifully

Anne has always loved old things, she thought they held so much scope for the imagination, thinking of the others who have lived here and what stories and memories the walls must hold.

Anne squeezed Gilbert's hand and smiled cheekily just at the first glance she was in love.

Gilbert started rambling to her about all the facts of the house as he read them off of a paper he had printed off "It says here it was built in 1875, but has had some modern updates recently, it also says it sits on 15 acres including a river that runs all the way through it, and multiple fields of different flowers!"

"oh how amazing!!" Anne gushed "it truly is a gorgeous house!" She turned to Gilbert and grinned wildly

Gilbert couldn't help but smile seeing her so happy.

As they wandered through the house it only solidified its perfection for them. They both made they're way separately through the house, checking out every room and closet, falling more and more in love with its rustic charm. After scouring every inch of the house on their own, they met back in the living room with large grins plastered unanimously on their cheeks.

They locked eyes and smiled, they didn't even need to say a word because they both knew the other was thinking the same thing this is it.

A/N I wrote this one MONTHS ago!! 😂 ❤️❤️
I also seem to really love some good newlywed shirbert because that's what most of my one shots have been so far ahaha🙈 I hope you love Mr. and Mrs. Blythe as much as I do ❤️

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