invisible string

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he felt it before he knew it.

he was sitting in a meeting with fifteen other doctors when his heart lurched, causing him to clutch his chest quickly. his breath was knocked from his lungs and his stomach churned.

something was wrong.

the men jumped up to aid him, bombarding him with questions.

"what's wrong?!"

"are you okay?!"

"dr. blythe is something wrong?"

Gilbert caught his breath and stood suddenly, walking backwards to the doors.

"i have to go."

he rushed home, desperate to be sure everyone was okay.

did something happen to the children?

was someone hurt?

he finally made it home and burst through the door, immediately running into his seventeen year old Rilla, who looked frantic and teary eyed.

he grabbed her shoulders gently and lifted her chin so her eyes met his.

"darling what's wrong?" his heart dropped as she plunged her head into his chest and sobbed.

"it's mom—she just—and i don't know what to do—" her breath hitched as she grasped at him for comfort.

his eyes went wide as he held her close. he took a deep breath to try and stay calm for his daughter while he gathered more information.

"hey, hey, hey, i'm sure everything's okay. what happened sweetheart?" his steady voice betrayed the frantic thumping of his heart.

she shook her head into his chest and pointed to their room, motioning him to see for himself.

trying not to panic, he walked towards the room as quickly as he could without running and entered swiftly.

his entire body froze as he saw his wife writhing in pain on their bed, clutching at random objects to try and secure herself.

he rushed to her side and grabbed her hands firmly, but she didn't notice. her body continued shaking and flailing about.

he gulped heavily and shut his eyes, willing his doctor brain to come out.

just when he was beginning to flip his brain, his oldest son burst through the door.

"dad! what is happening?! is mom okay?! what the HE—" he was panicking.

"SH. shh. just give me a second." gilbert inhaled and began doing everything he knew he could.

"she's having a seizure. we need to keep her comfortable and make sure she cannot hurt herself." he began barricading the perimeter of the bed with pillows while jem removed the blankets from the bed.

jem looked at his mom still out of control and in pain. she was the strongest person he knew.

"dad, i'm scared." his voice shook, and in that moment he was back to the little boy he once was.

gilbert slowed his own breath before crossing the room to his son and holding him tight.

"it's going to be okay. i'm not going to let anything happen to her." gilbert promised.

"you can't control everything." jem stated matter of factly.

gilbert bit his lip and schooled his face to rest.
"she's not leaving us."

a/n idk WHAT this is but i wanted to post something so uh... here's this?

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