first days & paint fights

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Gilbert's first day of work, followed by what was supposed be a clean, simple, normal day of painting the house, that turns into lots of laughter and paint fights ✨

Or.... some adorable newlywed fluff 😌

Gilbert stood in front of his mirror checking his appearance for the fifth time that morning. Today was his first official day as a doctor and he wanted to look as professional as a young man his age could look.

Anne walked in from downstairs in the kitchen and hugged him from behind.

He smiled and turned to her "what do you think?" He held his arms out "does this make me look professional??"

She scanned his outfit, thinking he looked especially adorable in his new white coat "very professional!" She laughed and kissed him sweetly "now you have to go! you don't want to be late on your first day!"

"Okay, okay you're right I should go" he kissed her cheek "I love you Mrs. Blythe!" He said walking out the door

She chuckled and shook her head humorously " I love you doctor Blythe! Oh and don't forget when you get back we are painting!!!" She called from the porch.

"Okay got it! Bye carrots!"

"Bye gil!" She laughed to herself as she walked back inside to get ready for the day.


It was around 2pm when Gilbert got home, normally he should arrive home around 6pm but it was an extremely slow day and his boss had let him off early, knowing the couple had a lot to work on back at their new abode.

He walked up the porch and peered into the window spotting Anne dancing around the house blasting some random music he couldn't quite identify, his heart swelled with love, he could watch her dance for the rest of his life.

He came up behind her and tapped her shoulder "hey I'm back!" He whispered not wanting to startle her

She turned around and pulled him into a sweet hug "hi!" She grinned "I thought you weren't going to be back until later tonight?"

"Well I couldn't miss paint day now could I?" He smirked

"Well since you're here let's get to work!"

Anne had picked a beautiful baby yellow for the house, knowing yellow is the color of happiness definitely persuading her decision.

She tossed Gilbert a paint brush and ran to their room "one sec I need to change" she yelled running up the stairs

He chuckled softly shaking his head at her abrupt disappearance

She came back down the stairs wearing some denim overalls, which were already covered in paint, with a seemingly old white shirt underneath. She threw her hair up in a loose messy bun, picked up a paint brush and began.

The couple talked and laughed for hours as they finished off painting the house. Both feeling so blissfully happy just being with each other, laughing, joking and even having a deep conversation every once in a while.

"Hey Gil?"

"Yeah carrots?"

"Do you miss your father dearly?"

Gilbert was taken aback by this sudden serious topic "uhm yeah I mean yes of course, why?"

"Oh i don't know, I just can't imagine loosing someone so close, it's scary having people you love in life."

"What do you mean?" He questioned furrowing his eyes

"Well, like back in the orphanage I never had to worry about loosing anyone. I never had to fear missing someone eternally, but now... I don't know what I would do if I lost you, or Matthew or Marilla or Di" she trailed off

"I guess you're right, it is scary. I know for a fact I couldn't handle loosing you or bash, and it was hard loosing my father, but the thing about having people you love is that if something bad does happen you also have people who will always have your back and support you. I guess it's all a balance"

"A balance... I like that" she leaned over and pressed her lips against his "please don't leave me though because then I won't have anyone to paint the top of the walls for me" she smirked

"Woow" he huffed sarcastically "is that all I am to you?? A long arm?" He laughed

"Well that and the love of my life but, potato tomato" she giggled and pressed the tip of her paint brush to his nose, coloring it a pale yellow

"Ohh you're gonna pay for that carrots" he yelled as she sprinted away from him, both not able to contain their laughter.

They chased each other out of the house through the fields, splattering the other until they were both throughly covered in yellow paint.

Anne dropped to the ground grabbing Gilbert and pulling him down as well. She laid on her back, hands behind her head admiring the array of clouds.

"Look! That one looks like a sunflower!" Anne pointed to the sky motioning to Gilbert to follow her gaze

Gilbert nodded and pointed to another one "that one looks like a dragon!"

"Hm maybe you could use your dragon slaying skills on it!" She teased referring to the first day they met

He shoved her shoulder playfully "oh whatever carrots" he chuckled "you know you love me"

" I don't I know that?" She smirked turning to him

He turned to face her "Yeah I'm pretty sure, or else that pretty ring on your finger wouldn't be there, I'm afraid" he said pointing at her wedding ring

"Ahh I guess you're right" she laughed softly

"I love you anne-girl"

"I love you gilly-boy" she giggled kissing his nose softly

Gilbert decided that this was his favorite place to be, laying in a field next to the redhead he loves more then anything in this world, simply watching her enjoy the nature surrounding them, nothing could compare to the feeling of this.

A/N I hope you like this short little fluffy glimpse into Anne and Gil's married life🥺

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