we prance in fairytales together

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one shot: there's no other way to describe this then just pure domestic fluff— enjoy : )

"Okay class, the assignment is to write a paper on your parents love story! It's due Monday... okay, class dismissed!"

Rilla stood up from her chair and bounced out of the schoolhouse to meet her brothers so they could walk home together.

Shirley high-fived his friend and bolted over to her, looping his arm in hers, as they began their daily routine of skipping home.

"How was school today rill?" He bounced a little extra over a log, making her laugh.

She un-looped her arm and spun around to him excitedly, "we get to write a paper about how mom and dad met!" She twirled around the forest giggling.

His eyes crinkled upward "and why is that so exciting?"

She whipped around and gaped at him. "Why wouldn't it be?! Mom and Dad have the kinda love from fairytales, and I've never heard their story!" She swooned at the thought of their probably very romantical meeting.

Shirley laughed and pretended to gag, causing her to shove his shoulder, "love is grosssss! Especially when its mom and dad blehhh!"

She raised a brow, "I bet you won't being saying it's gross when you meet a pretty girl who loves youuu!" She sang, smile bright.

He shook his head and jumped onto the trunk of a fallen tree, lifting one hand to cover his left eye dramatically. "No! Ye will be fightin' all the scallywags that dare cross over to the 'Shirley Seas'!" He held a hand behind his back, jabbing an invisible sword at his imaginary opponent. "There's no time for pretty girls when you are captain of your ship!" He jumped around the forest, spinning and slaying other imagined pirates.

Rilla laughed loudly and her cheeks rose impossibly high. She joined in with him, play sword fighting against him. "Oh but what if a beautiful fair maiden is trapped in the jaws of death and you have no choice but to save her?!"

He flipped off a stump and smirked. "I wouldn't."

"SHIRLEY BLYTHE!!" She chastised, then ignored his comment and continued her conjured up love story. "Anyways, after you save her she will ask how she can repay you, which of course you respond to by leaving a 'sweet kiss on the bloom of her rosey lips'—"

"Sweet kiss of the bloom of her what?! Rill where did you hear that?!" He laughed

She shrugged "read it in one of mom's stories."

Rilla sprinted through the forrest, now winning in their 'sword fight' "ANYWAY. After you kiss her—" Shirley pointed his finger in mouth and play gagged, to which she rolled her eyes and ignored, pretending to jab her sword in his stomach. "You both will confess your love for one another and live happily ever after." She sighed happily, and he cringed.

"Uh, nope! I'm going to live as a lone pirate for the rest of my life!" He skipped forward with his chin held high.

She stared him down, unimpressed. "Fine, but I'll say 'I told you so' when you fallll" she teased in a sing-songy voice.

"Whatever! Come on, we better get home or moms gonna worry." He grabbed her hand and pulled her across the field to their house.


"Mom! We're home!" Rilla called to the seemingly empty house.

Just when she was beginning to think they weren't home (after check the kitchen and bedrooms with no luck), she heard a loud giggle come from the living room around the corner.

us against the world : shirbert one shots Where stories live. Discover now