expelling insecurities

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Anne has major insecurities and a lot self hatred from her time in the orphanage and being bullied, but Gilbert is here to contradict every one and help her move passed them.
this one is pretty sad and deep:(

Anne stood, arms crossed against her chest, examining her appearance in the full body mirror that sat in the corner of her and Gilbert's shared room.

She had on one of Gilbert's baggy shirts and some simple shorts that hung off her hips lightly. As she stood there, looking at herself she began to pick apart her body and looks.

To her, she wasn't much to look at, being told she was homely, ugly and skinny so often at such a young age really messed with her confidence. To be put under so much scrutiny at such a precious and formative age was extremely difficult. Most girls who have a loving family and people to remind them they are beautiful are still often extremely insecure in their own skin, so you can imagine how it would feel for that already common insecurity to be fueled with hateful comments ripping apart every part of her.

Staring at her -now auburn- wavy locks resting on her shoulders, she couldn't help but hate them. She still wished desperately to have beautiful raven locks like her bosom friend Diana, or golden ringlets like her dear Ruby. Anything other then this horrid red mop that sat on atop of her head. Her thoughts traveled to her stomach, now her body had grown and adjusted to normal eating habits, her stomach filled in to be perfectly medium, but all she could see was the starving 13 year old that was constantly ridiculed for being "to skinny" or "all skin and bones" and she felt extremely insecure about it.

I need to gain weight.

Looking down to her legs she couldn't help but despise how even they were pale and covered in freckles. Her toes curled as she went down the list of everything - she thought - made her ugly. Deep in her mind she knew this was a horrible habit, to indulge in such self hatred, but by now it was ingrained into her soul.

Anne shirley: homely orphan with a big temper and delusional imagination.

After being labeled as such so many times in her young life, she had a hard time letting the label go. She was loved deeply and unconditionally now, not only by the Cuthberts but by her adoring husband and incredible kindred spirits, but the endless bullies that had told her otherwise stuck with her.

No one could ever love you; you deserve nothing; your nothing more then a piece of trash to pass around as needed.

Her heart ached with the terrible words that kept flowing through her mind. Of course, she knew these sources were stupid and their opinion shouldn't matter to her, but they did, and that hurt the most.

She let the words sink in too much, she knew she did. To her, feeling confident was unknown territory. It was somewhat scary, could she just let it all go? Could she truly embrace her looks and love them?

Moving back up to her face, she stared into her reflection, a frown sat upon her lips - which she thought were as disgusting as furry caterpillars - her eyes were zoned out in almost disgust, and her cheeks were covered in little red freckles, dotting her entire face. Her freckles, to her, were anything but beautiful, she saw them like they were little specks of mud covering her face, making her look dirty. Her skin, was too pale, her nose too narrow, her eyebrows too thin, her forehead too long, and her ears much too small, in her eyes.

She had probably been standing there, frowning in the mirror, for an hour before hearing the bedroom door open and watching an exhausted Gilbert stumble through.

"Hey! I'm home." He gave her a tired smile before plopping onto the bed.

She smiled half-heartedly at him "Hey" She turned back to the mirror and the firm frown of disapproval sat upon her face once again.

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