lay with me?

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one shot: gilbert has a bad day, so obviously the only rational thing he could do was sneak through his girlfriends window at midnight.

(modern anne & gil)

with one large swing he leapt into her window from the tree. "okay, hear me out, polynomi—"
his chipper voice was cut off by a pillow to his face.

"GIL! i'm changing you idiot!" she shrieked, albeit amused with his surprise visit and shockingly good landing from through the window.

"oh!" he slapped his hand to his eyes and spun around so fast that he fell onto his face.

she laughed as he tried to get up with one hand. "you're such an idiot, you can't just leap in through my window!"

"well i'm sorry, but i was lonely and kind of sad and i just wanted to see you, so there was a reason!" his feet were dancing around while he face the wall standing in a corner.

his tone was humorous but his words worried anne. she finished changing and walked over to him, and tapped him on his shoulder.

"gil, you were sad?" he rolled his eyes, laughed, and pulled her to her bed.

he leaned in close to her, so close her body grew hot. he opened his mouth and drew closer to her, she thought he was going to kiss her, but instead he tapped his nose to hers and sighed dramatically,

"i think you broke my nose"

she snorted and slapped the side of his head.

"i'm serious! it'll be crooked forever and you'll be responsible for it." he nodded seriously to her but his eyes we alight with mirth.

"god, you're such a douche" she hit his head again and he nuzzled his head into her shoulder.

"how does it feel to be the reason i'm significantly less attractive now?"

"oh it's a burden i will bare begrudgingly for years to come." he laughed quietly and moved from her shoulder to look straight at her. she grabbed his chin and tilted to his head to the left, then right, "personally i like it, you look a little more devil may care this way" she smirked and he frowned.

"loser. you better like it cus your stuck with it for the rest of eternity" he exaggerated, flopping back onto her bed.

"you are the most dramatic person i've ever met"

he scoffed and brought his hand to his chest. "you're one to talk!" his eyes widened when he realized he had said that out loud.

she quirked a brow and moved to be slightly above him, "excuse me?"

a nervous smile and blush, flushed his face under her intimidating gaze. "i- i didn't mean it to-"

"mmmm okay. so you don't think i'm dramatic?" her arm moved to be partly across his stomach until she was slightly hovering over him.



she gasped and hit his chest hard, "i hate you!"

he nudged her shoulder, throwing her off balance and making her land next to him. a grin crawled came back across his face. "all is well then, the feeling is unanimous!"

she stuck her tongue out at him and rolled her eyes. "i'm sorry i must have my facts confused, you were the boy who just leapt uninvited through my window because he was "lonely", are you not?"

he shook his head, "i think you've got the wrong person, i've just climbed through the window of an old friend, although i'm not entirely sure why i still associate with her, she's quite annoying." she tried to punch his arm but he dodged it, "as for the reason, i just like her bed, it's comfy."

he sat up and bounced up and down, as if proving his point.

anne's eyes rolled dramatically as she watched him,


he fell back with her and leaned his chin on her shoulder, gazing at the side of her face.

they laid there in silence for a while, perfectly comfortable just to relax in each other's company. gilbert was the one who broke the silence.

"seventy three." he breathed out.

she quirked her brow, "what?"

"on your left cheek"

"i'm still confused"

"there are seventy three freckles on your left cheek. i think i'm going to name them." his joke fell flat compared to his soft expression.

she looked at him, amazed. "weirdo"

he grinned again and she couldn't resist kissing him any longer.

gilbert smiled bigger when their lips touched and completely relaxed into her. her hand came up to his head, cradling it gently.

"be careful," he murmured solemnly. she paused and looked concerned, "my nose, it's broken remember?" he winked and kissed her quickly again.

"i hate you so much"

"yeah yeah, lay with me a little while, would ya??"

she moved to get comfortable on the bed and he cuddled behind her.

"are you okay?" she whispered, remembering why he was here in the first place.

he buried his nose deeper into the back of her neck and sighed,

"i am now." his breath spattered down her skin, making her shiver. his arms fell over her hips and he hugged her waist tightly.

"you sure?"

he thought for a second before kissing her shoulder softly, "absolutely"

a/n i haven't throughly edited this so apologies for any mistakes!

sorry for my crappy updating, but life's been busy :)

thank you all for 5k reads 😭🤚🏼

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